Jains and Hindus worship north / northeast. They would eventually face the north / north east and leave the body from this world. Gods, Sages, Siddhas and yogis are believed to live in the great worlds of the Northeast.
All Asian religions (including Christianity as all soul's day) worship/meditate left/bodyless souls from the world. Rituals will change somewhat. But basically all souls have to reach divine worlds. The bodyless spirits should not wander in the lower worlds. They must be satisfied with our love and attain divinity. Many people build a temple and worship him when they instinctively know that he/she has attained divinity. It has been around for 40,000 to 200,000 years, from India to Australia to the United States to Japan.
This was also the case in the West (from Russia to Britain). In cold areas worship methods are limited, so barriers are high. That's all.
This is an important question not only in Hinduism but also in Islam and Christianity.
Prophet Muhamud corrected this a little and did not perform rituals, believing that on the fifth day they went into the full command of Allah Almighty. For sake of left souls (Neethaar), he said, do charity, in memory of them to attain Allah to receive the Divine will. It is suitable for the Middle East where livelihood is tough. Elsewhere, no one, omits all the left/bodyless soul rituals as-is.
Christianity plunges left souls / all souls into a deep sleep (with the Trinity) until the arrival of Jesus or his messenger.
Bury or burn/destroy the dead?
There are a lot of differences between burying and burning the dead.
It is not proper to see today's customs to assess whether someone's body/karmic sareera is to be burned/destroyed or buried. There was a method in Hinduism earlier. Bury the immature until they reach divinity. Build a temple for immaculate/realized souls. Destroy other bodies. When desire is left still, destroying kamya sareera is better for them as they are in a state of uncontrollable life. Good for him/her too. Good for others also.
Is it true that in some houses, in the prayer room, people are hanging down photos of Pitru / left soul with pictures?
If we deeply study the rituals of Pitru worship ( Neethaar in tamil ) rituals, we will understand the error in this.
Our patriarchs are provided offerings by leftist methods still during Tarpanam. Koorcha or the bridge is placed in north side immediately. The smarthas / advaitins are offering without wearing vibuthi / holy ash. There are those left souls who have dissolved themselves in the Pitrus and some have become gods and yogis. There are many types, from humans to those who live in a coveted/demonic form. Pitru Puja has to be performed separately for these different varieties of souls as we do not know many things clearly.
Doing wrong approximations will harm us and Pitru!!!
All these are the truth of the Pitru Puja mantras.
The reason why Pitru Puja is performed separately and distinctly is understandable from the life of Prakalatha. Emperors like Iraniyakasipu are created by our mistakes. This is well understood in Kaliyuga.
Generally, we do not associate left souls (except those who have reached sainthood or divinity) with the deities for three generations. We perform rituals such as Soul immaculation day / Tithi and pay homage to the divine worlds (Eesanam / Northeast).
Not to worry about the divine status quo of the souls even if we know they are realized souls.
But the general rule is the same..
It should be good for the community. Just so that the treachorous, merciless monsters are not created and fostered on earth ...
What does 3rd generation account for? Isn't it true that in Hindu philosophy, that based on a soul's sin and bliss, he/she will be reborn with it (with exceptions)?
This is a profound question. The answer consists of several chapters. Consists of physical / biological steps.. Three generations refers to the life forms, namely, spirit form, the guardian deity (Rudran), the deity (Banu / Adityan / Gnana Sun) and the psychic, scientific, and blissful states.
"Shiva yogis will gradually understand the words of Gurunatha, they will conquer time, others will die just karmic" - Sage Arunagiri.
I will try to explain this on my article site in below articles. Please read them in detail...
Shaivaite (followers of shiva by rightist methods alone) Brahmins do not give food to left souls ( Neethaar in tamil ) which is not already given to Shiva. It means that the one who spreads hatred on divine worlds (blasphemy) of Shiva should not come to them, whatsoever. They offer with love so that these souls trust in Shiva eventually...
Vaishnavism is similar.
Smartha / Advaitic Brahmins will give food to Pitru ( Neethar in tamil ) without wearing symbols like Vibudhi (holy ash) etc.
Embrace the left souls (Neethaar in tamil) (even though they are greedy demons / merciless monsters) trapped in the Annamaya / Pranamaya life stage and finally drag them to the worlds of Shiva / Vishnu.
Hari Om
Part 2
Now, For whom we do pithru yagna for their sake and for whom we do for ourselves which will be clarified here now..
This is explained in Tharpana Namaskarams also..
That's why pinda dhanam and vikranam is very very important and not to be left in first year. Also later. For not performing homa and brahmana bhojana, there are detailed pariharas.. but to do former (pinda dhanam and vikranam) is timely and when done later becomes null and void..
That's why the great scientist apasthambha introduced pinda pithru and naivedyam. After doing, homa, bhojana, eka pinda Pradhana and vikrana. This is done to ring fence pitru srardha.. saving grace in kali.. homa and bhojana will have 1000 deficiencies in kali yuga. But other 3 (pinda pitru srardha, eka pinda pradhana and vikrana) done with sradha by kartha is incomparable!!
Tharpana pradakshina namaskara which states the purpose of all pitru yagya..
"Those who are devas and pithru punya logas, maha yogis, I bow down to you everyday, offer u everyday, as possible (yat kinchith).."
"Absolve me from all Papa's, from many janmas, I bow to u.."
"Bowing to pitru who are fluid, subtle form, with body and life, as pitru waiting, as humans, as demons in naraka ( and here), all pitrus, please be in your loka and take the offerings..
Let devas convert this to loka specific products for them.. I offer to u till you and then leave your loka for good. Bows for coming here or blessing me from your loka this day.."
Then we do as detailed below for absolving the left souls safely and securely!!
Gothra pitru bowings, change upavedam to right and abhivadana, prarthana namaskara, relief for them from koorcha swaroopa at last and "yesha na matha" - for all souls offerings, achamanam, koorcha visarjanam, achamanam and Brahma yagnam and Vishnu samarpan,
Vishnu lokam sa gachathi...
Hari Om