Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Why the Constellation of Scorpio and stars swathi, visakha, anuradha, jyeshta (and moola) are important?

In the second prominent sect of Hinduism or vedic beliefs, namely Vaishnavism, the utsava murthi is worn a kavacha (armor) signifying that he is the conqueror of 3 worlds / all worlds. Trivikrama as he is called (Ulagalandhar - one who measured all 3 worlds) when he won 3 worlds we mortal souls live in (Boo, Bhuva, Suva).

The armor signifies his presence in this world as a saviour and warrior. And that he lives temporarily here subject to conditions - removal of evil in thought, word and deeds. The seven virtual worlds between us and him are hard to cross. But he has provided the path to reach those by his light path of devas.

Every prayaschita talks first about the worlds between him and us. Every sankalpa, particulalrly the nivrudhi karmas say that its his order.. (Vishnor Agyaya)

His armor is removed and reworn in visakha, anuradha, jyesta stars of Jyesta hindu month

There was a time when solar system didn't have life or life proper or had it irregular. The celestial spirits or super humans considered this is mundane and thought that this will not help life to prosper and grow. They wanted to mutate us. Earth probably didn't have a moon that time!! or was in a wrong position.
The moon and all the above positions you saw above were fixed to create life or improve life. The super human who controls 1008 worlds wanted this world to be in their order and effected His rule here and His wisdom here.
He is constantly watching us. He is mutating us. He has fixed things for us. 

In purusha sooktha,
"Chandrama Manaso Jathaha, Saksho Surya Ajayatha"
"Moon and Mind/Manas is Birth..."
or Re-Birth!!
Taking the first sentence, Man is his Mind (Manas or emotional/logical occult). But Manas points to Chandra. When Manas merges with Chandra that is Rasi and nakshatra (zodiac).
In Indian zodiac (particularly southern), lunar tradition is important.
The person's Rasi or Nakshatra is identified by where moon was at his birth.
The Super Human(s) created a Mind/Manas for us to excel, grow, improve in wisdom, attain bliss by creating a moon linked to it which is linked to Sun and Zodiac in a mathematical proportion.
They wanted us to be remember that this proportion is what is making us excel, allows us to control our Mind/Manas, Buddhi and align ourselves to our occult senses.
Arunagiri asks, "Chandra veliku vazhi arulvayae" meaning "Bless me with light path of Chandric soul space"
Black hole in GC / Center of galaxy is Sura Bhanu / Galactical Vishnu (Black, primordial soup from which star systems emanate, plunge into and has a star factory)
Galactical Bhanu / Sura Bhanu (Grand Father of Radha from mythology)
Hanuman was born in Moola Nakshatram in Sagitarius. Moolam is in Saggitarius/ Dhanus Rasi. Saggitarius A is in/near GC (galactic center of Milky Way). 
Also, Scorpio or Vrischika Rasi is near GC

What is in Scorpio?
Scorpio has 3 major star systems. Visakha the creational system. Anusha - existential system. Jyesta - oldest star system of the galaxy - milky way.
If we consider the Galactic center as the Satya Loga available to us, the Tapa loga is near Scorpio. 
When the Tapasvies of that loga call upon the Lord to save the planet, he gives a plan of action. He asks them to create a creational, existential and escape plan for the souls that he wants to safeguard. Its executed with fervour by rishis and tapasvies order.
"On Anuradha, with the athi deva Mitra, if we give an offering, it will grow and prosper for 108 years well guarded" says the Vedas or Homa preamble. This is as per his order.

Swati - Arcturus(Alpha- Bootis) in Bootis Constellation (third brightest among the stars in the night sky; abode of Saraswati, the goddess of learning, Satya loga where Brahma resides)

Visakha (Radha) - Alpha-Librae, Beta-Librae, Gamma-Librae & Iota-Librae ( shape of a forked branch;  abode of the gods under the rulership of Indra, Maha Loga)

Anuradha - Beta-Scorpionis (Acrab), Delta-Scorpionis (Isidis) & Pi-Scorpionis (Antares in the constellation of Scorpio, close to the white stretch of the milky-way; staff of sages, contact with Universal force, wisdom and learning and thus can only act in congruence with the Universal mind, Tapa Loga)

Jyeshta - Alpha-Scorpionis (Antares), Sigma-Scorpionis and Tau-Scorpionis (round talisman, needs divine protection, gives prosperity only through some occult, supernatural or extraordinary means, dualistic character of protection or destruction, 13th aditya)

Moola - Lambda-Scorpionis (Shaula),  Epsilon-Scorpionis, Mu-1-Scorpionis, Iota-1-Scorpionis, Theta-Scorpionis,  Eta’Scorpionis, Zeta-korpionis, Kappa-Scorpionis & Upsilon-Sorpionis (Lesath) (Root, Center, Innermost Core, center of our galaxy lies in it, vaidya, Nritti or Shakti which consumes everything )

In Sri Rudra, the vama deva is called as Jyeshta when he marks and executes the escape plan of earth. This is also detailed in Pachayatana mantras as Vamadeva (the leader of the left wing or escape planners), Jyeshta, Rudra and Kala...
There are more references to Jyesta in Saktha tradition with a similar tones - old, gold or safeguard plan and final act/destination.
In christian mythology also, similar 3 fold plan is talked about. Refer to the seven seals described in the Book of Revelation, the final book of the New Testament of the Bible.

What does this signify?

When the Lord gives a taking over path/plan to saints/tapasvies for a celestial system like earth, he also provides a existential and escape plan for the same. Vaikunta vasal is such an escape plan when Lord decides it as the day.

Once a year, Call me on visakha with a diamond armor to prevent evil from thwarting my plan, let me judge the status with a pearl armor on day 2 on anuradha / anusha, if we find it satisfactory, let me take my original armor on jyesta pournami and wait for a later day .

It is at the time when the Sookshma Bhanu / Vishnu and moon is nearest to the constellation of the Jyeshta star and it is when Sri Maha Vishnu is worshipped in the form of Trivikrama, the conquerer of all the worlds.

Sookshma Bhanu or Stellar Sun is in jyesta constellation as per month. Terrestrial sun is not in jyeshta( but in vrishabha here, in exact opposite rasi celestially as below). Thats why it should refer the alternate sun/bhanu of the solar system in the other elliptical center.

Whats the difference and why?

What is the Sun he is referring to (Sthoola, Sookshma, Gnana Surya)?
Separating fact, fiction and correlation is critical to divine understanding. This is how most of Indian values were lost earlier.
All references to Sun should be first considered metaphysical, The Gnana Guru (Refer to Shiro Thanvath Pradesae of Vishnu Sahasranamam and Vishnu Puran).

For e.g the best example is Sravana pournami sankalpa, it says pratamae masae, Sravana purnima as start of year and start of month. As it's the day of kalpa aramba cycle start..

If we consider that pournami as the month starting, the star in which pournami occurs is the ruling constellation of the month (pournami to pournami). The celestial position of sun is not considered. Pournami moon for the star is the Bhanu for the month. Vrisha banu or the sun in the other elliptical center of the solar system. By whom the moon is positioned to align pournami to Star..

Purnimanta tradition was being followed in the Vedic era. It was replaced with Amanta system and in use as the Hindu calendar system prior to 1st century BCE, but the Purnimanta tradition was restarted in 57 BCE by Vikramaditya who wanted to return to the Vedic roots.The presence of this system is one of the factors considered in dating ancient Indian manuscripts and epigraphical evidence that have survived into the modern era.
One of the reasons for the vedic tradition of purnimanta is that the annual retrograde shift of equinoxes is 50.3 seconds. When all the annual equinox points are connected, it describes an ecliptic in 25,772 years approximately as already explained in another blog. Moon's orbit intersects with the ecliptic plane of Earth at two nodal points once in 27.3 days. This major shift differs triganitha and vakya by 8.732638888 days as of today. For e.g the retrograde of equinox and solstice is not considered for last 15000 years.

Similarly, For e.g., Sun passes through the constellation Scorpio in just five days, but takes 38 days to pass through Taurus.
Solar months will be astrologically incorrect. Sookshma Bhanu is considered hence...

The differences between vakya and triganitha and reason for the same ( earth axis and its effect on the retrograde of equinox/solstices and seasons, sun over an elliptical zodiac with 2 centers for the orbit, uneven solar months and much more) is covered in many articles. Some of them are referred below in Appendix.

On Moola, a safeguard plan will be made by hanuman as planned. Hanuman from Moola - Sagitarius watches this over as a radio source. The next call to vega or Abhijit constellation will happen after a year.

"I, The Super Human alias Jyesta created a Mind/Manas for you to excel, grow, improve in wisdom, attain bliss by creating a moon linked to it which is linked to Sun and Zodiac in a mathematical proportion.Remember that this proportion is what is making you excel, allows you to control our Mind/Manas, Buddhi and align you to your/my occult senses. Use it or loose it!!!" - Vishnor Agyaya, as per order of Vishnu. 

சகுண பிரம்மமாகிய நான், உன்னுடைய முக்திக்கான மனதை உருவாக்கி அதை நூற்றெட்டு என்ற விகிதத்தில் சந்திர சூரியர்களுடன் இணைத்தேன். ஆயிரத்தெட்டு என்ற விகிதத்தில் எனது அபிஜித், மஹ, ஜன, தப, ஸத்ய உலகுகளுடன் இணைத்தேன். இந்த விகிதங்கள் உனது மனது, புத்தி, ஆத்மாவை கட்டுப்படுத்தி எனது ஆழ்நிலையுடன்  இணைக்கின்றன. உய்வாய் மனனே, ஒழிவாய் அவாவினையே...

For biological relevance, See Biology of Belief - lectures by Bruce Lipton

Tadave lagnam starts the sankalpa preamble for any deva yagna. "In my ordained lagna, good day, stars power, chandra's power is available, In my name Lakshmipathi, bring me to your soul, mind and manas..."

In the pithru pooja, its even more elaborate as evil spreads in absence of nivrudhi yagnas to deceased souls.
"Apavitra pavitrovaa.." - In making evil or unpure as pure, by manas and words and deeds, to cover up, thinking of Rama, in the thithi given by Vishnu, in nakshatra set by Vishnu, Yogam, karanam too. Vishnu permeades the universe. In the name of Maha Purusha, Vishnu, and His Order...

- Vishnor Agyaya, By the order of Vishnu

Jyeshta is the 18th Nakshatra. Jyeshta, the senior most among the first eighteen asterisms. At some point of time in ancient history only eighteen nakshatras were in use and Jyeshta was the final, the senior most or eldest nakshatra. Since then more nakshatras have been added, but the name has stayed. Sage Hanuman would have been instructed to add 9 more to 27 to tally to 108 (27*4), But it was used only as 22 till Sage Viswamitra. The current count of 27 which is more scientific was brought by him. The current structure of sandhaya vandhanam and gayathri japam was also brought by Sage Viswamitra to align us to the cosmic plan.

The reason for Jyeshta theory and practices to be linked to trivikrama is the story of King Mahabali. One who smears the cosmic plan of Sri Hari will be damned to the Pathala. In the greater good, Sri Hari will find a way to take back the world in his control against all odds.

Jyeshta - self destructive power of humans/souls as a whole

Jyeshta natives usually do everything from a point of view which cares a great deal about how others are perceiving them. They want to gain respect in society and do whatever is necessary to adhere to the prevailing standards. In ancient times when real acts of charity, kindness and philanthropy were the stepping stones to a respectful position, Jyeshta functioned well. In the present day and age where excessive headless materialism is the standard, Jyeshta energy gets channeled in useless, self-destructive ways. The stereotypical mob leaders, corrupt and unwise politicians, bureaucrat and managers are all Jyeshta character.

Jyeshta natives are apt to magnify their troubles and woes. There is no beating Jyeshta when it comes to unnecessary exaggerated moaning and groaning. The continent of Africa is under strong influence of Jyeshta energy. The same applies to USA and bankers. A revengeful and vindictive tendency is often noticed in Jyeshta natives. They also fall prey to jealousy very easily and are always on the lookout to put others down. A strong competitive spirit rather than an internal direction is what makes them manifest the full extent of their abilities.

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