Sunday, July 4, 2021

Sandhya - Science of soul space (planetary) transformation

Our soul space is linked to the stellar soul spaces...

Purification, Absolving the sensory experiences, Offerings for Devas, Contemplating on Rishis & Brahman (Gnana Bhanu or the Lord of 3/7 worlds - vyāhṛtis), Contemplating on Mitra, Surya and Varuna, Contemplating on Sandhya, Savithri,Gayathri, Saraswathi, Contemplating on Directional Heads, Contemplating Yama & Chitrgupta, Pannakepya / Adi Sesha / Sarpa devathas, Viswaroopa / Oordhva / Para Brahma and at last Savitha Devatha (Bright or Sun or Bhanu) or Kesava.

Why is this needed?

As per Śāṅkhāyana-gṛhya-sūtra Adhyāya II, ( Khaṇḍa 9 ), a person should go in the forest, with a piece of wood in his hand, seated, he performs the Sandhyā (twilight/dusk?) constantly, observing silence.

Turning his face north-west, to the region between the chief (west) point and the intermediate (north-western) point (of the horizon), until the stars appear and by murmuring the Mahāvyāhṛtis, the Sāvitrī, and the auspicious hymns when (Sandhya-dusk?) passed.

In the evening/sayam sandhi, in the direction of vayu ( god father of hanuman), medidate for devas to help save the planet and link the manas/mind of souls here to the star systems (Maha to Satya / Mahāvyāhṛtis / super human stellar worlds) near Galactic center. Savitri - The power of Savitha devathas and superhumans

In the same way during dawn/pratha sandhi, turning his face to the east, standing, until the disk of the sun appears. And when (the sun) has risen, the study (of the Veda) goes on. 

In the morning, as sun dawns, pray Savitha devathas and their Lord, The Gnana Bhanu. ( Nama Savithrae Jaga dega chakshushae..)

Vṛddha Yājñavalkya, Sandhyā is a particular devatā, presiding over these portions of the day. The morning is called Gāyatrī (who is white in colour), the mid-day is Sāvitrī (who is red), the evening is named Sarasvatī (who is black or dark blue).

If the manas/mind of souls of this planet are delinked from stellar spaces (superhuman worlds), the surya and his planets will be taken over by evil forces which can control mind/manas or bodily creatures.

Who is Savitha devatha or Kesava?

Savithrae as He is called, O The Bright being, One with the power to hold all the worlds as his own body, one who is the source who creates, maintains and destroys the worlds, one who is satchitananda, one who wears the trigunas ( Sadhva, Rajasa and Tamasa ) in his soul, One who is blissful (Sankaratmane), I medidate upon you always..

In the bright worlds, you are the center (Galactic center or even Universal center ), One who dwells blissfully over my sahasrara tala padmam, O Maha Vishnu with your symbols, Achuta of Dwaraka, save me from duality, I bow before you..

Every soul reaches You, the Immortal, worshipped in any form, like all drops of water drifting from sky reaching the ocean at last.

You (Atman) abide within the beings, in the cavity of heart and everywhere,
You are the sacrifice, are Brahman, are Rudra, are Vishnu, are the exclamation Vasat,
Water, light, essence, the immortal,
Brahman, Bhur, Bhuvah, Svar, Om, Salutation!

— Pranagnihotra Upanishad 1.8

All the godheads, indeed, there are

enclosed in this body here!

— Pranagnihotra Upanishad 4.23

Manasa Snanam

apavitraḥ pavitro vā sarvāvasthāṃ gato'pi vā
yaḥ smaret puṇḍarīkākṣaṃ saḥ bāhyābhyantaraḥ śuciḥ
puṇḍarīkākṣa puṇḍarīkākṣa puṇḍarīkākṣa[note 17]

Either pure or impure, passing through all the conditions of material life,
if remember the lotus-eyed, then, one becomes externally and internally clean.

By uttering the above chant, water is sprinkled on head thrice.


Mantrācamanaṃ or Jalaprāśanaṃ is sipping of water by reciting relevant vedic mantras for internal purification so that one becomes spiritually fit to perform ritualistic act. This is a 'Jnana Yajna' where one introspects, repents for the sins committed and surrenders to the Lord. This is done wishfully.One offers water consecrated by mantras in the fire present in the mouth – contemplating that body, mind and heart have been cleansed.Sins specified include : Mental, i.e. evil thoughts, anger, Oral, i.e. lies, abuses and Physical, i.e. theft, prohibited sexual act, consuming undesirable food, crushing creatures under the feet. Seek emancipation of sins committed during the day or night.


Three arghyas destroy the mandeha rakshasas fighting the Sun every sandhya. If there is delay in sandhya by exceeding the sandhya time, then Prāyaścitta arghya (i.e. fourth one) is given.

Dyanam or Atma Anusandhanam

The sun is then contemplated as the brahman (i.e.the supreme reality) through the mantra asā'vādityo brahmā (Sanskrit:असाऽवादित्यो ब्रह्मा, lit. this Āditya is indeed the Brahman). Smartas who adhere to advaita utter additional verse So'ham asmi. Aham brahmāsmi. (Sanskrit:सोऽहमस्मि। अहं ब्रह्मास्मि॥, lit. this is II am Brahman).

Asavadityo Brahma, (Brahamaiva Satyam ), Brahmaivaham Asmi

Surya Upasthanam

Mitra (in the morning), Surya (in the solar noon) and Varuna (in the evening) are chanted by standing and facing towards sun. In the morning face east, in the noon face north and in the evening face west.

Samarpaṇam is done to note that the entire process was undertaken with an intent to please Him as per His directions. The fruits of such act are also placed at His disposal. He distributes them equitably. A philosophy of total surrender to Him is embedded here. This can only mollify our pride and implant humility.

kāyena vācā manasendriyairvā
buddhyātmanā vā prakṛteḥ svabhāvāt
karomi yadyatsakalaṃ parasmai
nārāyaṇāyeti samarpayāmi

My body, speech, mind, senses,
intellect, essence, or outer and inner tendencies,
All that I will do over and over,
to the supreme Nārāyaṇa I offer.

Kṣamāpaṇam (lit. begging pardon (from the God)) is done to seek pardon for acts of omission / error that might have been committed by chanting three of His names thrice.Even with best of intentions and utmost care, inadequacies can creep in. It pays to look back, correct mistakes and strive to improvise. 

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