Friday, September 10, 2021

மந்திர புஷ்பம் - Mantra Pushpam


மந்திர புஷ்பம் சொல்வதென்ன? 

தினமும் ப்ரஹ்ம முகூர்த்த வேலையில், இதை நினைப்பாயாக. 

ஜீவ / உயிர் சக்தியாகிய நீரை நாங்கள் எங்கள் உயிர் வெளியால் கொடுத்தோம். நீரால் பூக்கள் புஷ்பிப்பதைப்போல், எங்கள் உயிர் வெளியால் நீ புஷ்பிப்பாய்.

சந்திரனால் புஷ்பிப்பது  பூக்கள் மட்டுமல்ல உனது ஜீவனுமாம்.

அக்னி, வாயு, சூர்யன் / ஞான பானு , சந்திரன் / மனஸ் , நக்ஷத்திர கூட்டங்கள் / மண்டலம், மேகங்கள், மழை ஆகியவற்றின் உயிர் வெளி, நீரே / எங்கள் உயிர் நிலையே / நாங்கள் அளித்ததே.

நீ எங்கள் உயிர் நிலையாக மாறு.

மேற்கூறியவற்றின் உயிர் நிலையையும், உன் உயிர் நிலையையும் அறிவாய்.

நீ எங்கள் உயிர் நிலையாக மாறு. 

இதுவே வேதம்.

மனனே, புஷ்பி, வாழ், உயிர் நிலை மாற்றம் கொள்.

வடக்கில் / ஈசானத்தில், தேவர்களாகிய எங்களின் சம்பத்தை நிர்வகிக்கும் குபேரன் உனக்கருள்வான். உன் இயற்கை விருப்பத்தை அருளுவான். எங்களின் ராஜ ராஜனான காமேஸ்வரனை, விஸ்வரூபியை பணிந்து, எம்தம் உயிர் வெளி / உயிர் நிலை அடைவாய்.

தினமும் ப்ரஹ்ம முகூர்த்த வேலையில், இதை நினைப்பாயாக.

This earth was not in the way we see now, earlier. The super human civilization which transformed earth is also transforming us to enable spirit force transformation. 

Science and the world accepts water is a key element in our transformation. Formation of water(life force) on earth was not an accident. 

Like a terrestrial flower which is dependent on water, this soul transformation is dependent on life force.

Mantra pushpa (The sutra of Pushpa/Soul space/Life force transformation) tells more about life on earth and the super human influence on living beings on earth.

"Understand the truth of the flowers/soul space"

"Understand the truth about dwelling/soul"

"Oh Soul, En-flower, pro-create, soul transform."

"Moon is the water/life force of the flower/soul space", "Oh Soul, En-flower, pro-create, soul transform. This is the truth/veda." "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life" "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Fire/Cosmic energy is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda about the abode/spirit of fire." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of fire/Cosmic energy" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life" "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Air/gas/movement is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda about the abode/spirit of air/gas." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of air/gas/movement" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life" "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Sun/Gnana Bhanu/inner soul of solar system is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "understand the truth about the abode/spirit of Sun/Gnana Bhanu/inner soul of solar system." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of Sun/Gnana Bhanu/inner soul of solar system" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life" "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Moon/Chandra/Manas is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "understand the truth about the abode/spirit of Moon/Chandra/Manas." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of Moon/Chandra/Manas" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life" "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Star Spectrum/zodiac is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about the abode/spirit of Star Spectrum/zodiac." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of Star Spectrum/zodiac" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Clouds is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about the abode/spirit of clouds." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of clouds" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about dwelling/spirit of life." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Rain is inner dweller/spirit of water/life force" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" "understand the truth about the abode/spirit of rain." "Become the inner dweller/spirit"

"Water/life force is inner dweller/spirit of rain" "Become the inner dweller/spirit" "This is the truth/veda" 

"Listening to this truth every day in the morning is Ideal." 

"King of kings, Vaisravana/Kubera the holder of wealth of devas in North/north-east direction, I bow, grant me my boons. provide for my natural desires. "

"Lord of desires, Ruler of North/north-east direction, King of kings, I bow to thee, Grant me (life forces)"

Apa - Water / Life Force. That which induces/profuses the life.

Chandra + Apa + Pushpam - We created a chandra/moon which will enable water/life force and hence pushpam enflowers during brahma muhurtha. Your soul also enflowers in brahma muhurtha, so learn this veda in that time.

Oh Soul, En-flower, pro-create, soul transform. This is the truth/veda. In water (life force), lives the inner spirit/dweller says veda.

Become the inner dweller/spirit!!

It then links Agni (fire/energy) and water/life force, Vayu(Air/gas) and water/life force, Sun and water/life force, Chandra (Our moon) and water/life force, nakshatras (zodiac) and water/life force, clouds and water/life force, rain and water/life force. Commonly, again and again, it says in these, we created the spirit of all key elements of your earth with our life force (water) and see that thats your inner dweller/spirit.

"We are your inner dweller/spirit. we created your life force. we interconnected basic elements (fire,water,wind,sun,moon,stars,clouds and rain) of your dwelling through our life force."

 Inner spirit / dweller propiates you (through water to you). Become the inner dweller/spirit!!! This is the truth/veda.

Mantra Pushpa chants

yò-pâm pushpäm vedà | pushpàvân präjâvÁn paßümân bhàvati | chändramÄ vâ äpâm pushpamº | pushpàvân präjâvÁn paßümân bhàvati | ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati |

 ägnirvâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yó-gner Äyatànäm vedà |Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vâ ägner Äyatànam || Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | 

vÄyurvâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yo vÄyor Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vai vÄyor Äyatànam || Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | 

äsau vai tapànnäpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yò-mushyä tapàta Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vâ ämushyä tapàta Äyatànam ||Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | 

chändramÄ vâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yaßchändramàsa Äyatànäm veda | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vai chändramàsa Äyatànam || Äyatànavân bhavati || ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | 

nakshàtrâ∫ï vâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yo nakshàtrâ∫âm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vai nakshàtrâ∫âm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà || yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | 

pärjanyö vâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | ya˙ pärjanyàsyÄyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vai pärjanyàsyÄyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà | yò-pâm Äyatànäm vedà || Äyatànavân bhavati | 

sämvätsäro vâ äpâm Äyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | yassàmvatsärasyÄyatànäm vedà | Äyatànavân bhavati | âpö vai sàmvatsärasyÄyatànam | Äyatànavân bhavati | ya ëvam vedà | yó-psu nâväµ pratìsh†hitĵ vedà | pratyëva tìsh†hati ||

om rÄjÄdhïrÄjâyà prasahyasÄhiné | namò väyam vaíßravä∫âyà kurmahe | sa më kâmÄn kâmä kâmÀyä mahyám | kÄmëßväro vaí ßravä∫o dàdatu | kübërâyà vai ßravä∫âyà | mähÄrÄjâyä namà˙ || yo vedâdau svàra˙ pröktö vëdântè cha prätish†hìta˙ | tasyà präk®itì-lînäsyä yä˙ parà˙ sa mäheßvàra˙ ||

vedokta mantra pushpâñjalim samàrpayÄmi

óm tad brähma | óm tadvÄyu˙ | óm tadÄtmâ | óm tathsätyam | óm tathsarvamº | óm tatpurör-nama˙ | antaßcharatì bhûtëshü guhâyâm vìßvamÜrtishu | tvam yajñastvam vasha†kâras-tvamindras-tvagµ rudras-tvam vish∫us-tvam brahma tvàm prajÄpati˙ | tvam tàdâpä âpö jyotÏ rasö-m®täm brahmä bhûr-bhuvässuvärom ||

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