Tuesday, September 7, 2021

ஸ்மார்த்த ப்ராஹ்மணர்கள் ஏன் ஆகம லிங்கங்களை தொடுவதில்லை ? why smartha brahmins dont touch agama lingas?


In the most prominent sect of Hinduism or vedic beliefs, namely Shaivism, pancayatana or panchayatana system is followed. Pancha murthis are taken for procession. Panchakshram is used as the the primary mantra (Na-ma-si-va-ya). 

This has cultural reciprocation in terms of panchayat system, panch bootha etc in other social and scientific spheres of Hindu system. 
Five mantras are used to glorify Shiva out of which 4th and 5th widely used and known. 4th is Shiva or Mahadeva Gayathri. 
5th is used by yogis and siddhas  for identifying terrestrial escape path or the luminous path of Devas or towards Devas.

Does such a path exists?

The 5th mantra "Esana sarva vidyanam eswara sarva bhootanaam, Brahmathipathir, Brahmano athipathir, Brahma Sivomae asthu Sadhasivom" 
Meaning, "From Esana ( north-east or magnetic pole or Star Vega in Lyra constellation ) direction came all vidya you see, the Lord of all bhootas or natural forces or beings is there, even the Head of Brahma and Brahmins is there, Brahma is Shiva in a celestial form, Sada Shiva He is, Om "
This is the proof and direction. 

Any notation in vedic scriptures or practices which is pointing to Oordhva (upwards) actually points to magnetic/celestial North/northeast towards Vega and not terrestrial North/space above earth. It's Oordhva for earth axis which points to northeast.
In Sri Rudra dhyanam, important phrase is "dhyaayE-deepsita-siddhayE dhruvapadaM" as in the verses below..

jyOtiH sphaaTika-liMga-mauli-vilasat-poorNEndu-vaantaamRRitaiH ।
astOkaapluta-mEka-meesha-manishaM rudraanu-vaakaaMjapan
dhyaayE-deepsita-siddhayE dhruvapadaM viprO.abhishhiMchE-cchivam ॥

brahmaaNDa vyaaptadEhaa bhasita himarucaa bhaasamaanaa bhujaMgaiH
kaNThE kaalaaH kapardaaH kalita-shashikalaa-shchaNDa kOdaNDa hastaaH ।
tryakshhaa rudraakshhamaalaaH prakaTitavibhavaaH shaaMbhavaa moortibhEdaaH
rudraaH shreerudrasookta-prakaTitavibhavaa naH prayacchantu saukhyam ॥"

More on shiva's colour or features or plans...

He is red in colour, 
He is more red in colour, 
He is golden, 
He gives rise to good things, 
He is the Rudhra, who is the sun, 
And so we bow before the thousands of Rudhras, 
Who are spread in all directions, 
And request them to cool themselves down. 
Asou yo avasarpathi  neela greevo vilohitha, 
Uthainam gopaa adrusannath drushan udhaharya, 
Uthainam viswaa bhoothani sa drushto mrudayathi na.     
He who has the blue neck, 
Is the one who rises as the copper colured sun. 
Even lowly cowherds see this Rudhra who comes as sun, 
Even the maids who carry water from rivers see him thus, 
And even all the animals of the world see him thus. 
Let this Rudra who is seen in the form of sun, 
Grant us all happiness. 

Namas thamraaya cha arunaaya cha  
Salutations to him who is of the copper colour of the dawn and to  
him who is of the colour of sun after sunrise. 

For contextual correlation  in Sri Rudra, see meaning of  verses to the 5 faces. Below are ending verses of each face..
Sathyo jatam - 1.1 - 2.1.7
Vama devam - 2.1.8 - 3.2.4
Akoram - 3.2.5 - 4.2.9
Tatpurusham - 5.1.1 - 6.1.10
Esana 6.2.1 - 11.11

Liberation - there are 2 liberations. Personal liberation and civilizational liberation. A liberated soul becomes cosmic.
But stellar civilizations don't liberate easily.
There are 2 faces/phases  which are constant. Sathyo jatam and Vama devam. They exist in creation ever. They are cyclic. But between these 2 faces or phases, 3 faces/phases exist. 
Akoram - creational level civilization
Tatpurusham - existential civilization
Esanam - mature or progressed or privileged civilization, simply Sathya loga
We are in Tatpurusham phase and to make it to Esana phase, we need support from another Esana civilization. Else, we would be wound up easily by Vamadeva phase or Vamadeva's face very easily.

Akoram - For Annamaya Kosa Souls
Tatpurusham - For Pranamaya Kosa Souls
Esanam - For Manomaya Kosa Souls
Vama devam - For Vignamaya Kosa Souls
Sathyo jatam - For Anandamaya Kosa Souls

In Sri Rudra - Lagunyasa, Mahadeva is medidated in centre head and Vamadeva in sikha.
Also, it's mentioned Esana lives in Ire or Intense Anger or Wrath.
As a civilization, we don't understand it!!!

We are not in the phase of Esana, our earth... Every soul who tries to lift the sanjeevni around us is hanuman/nandhi himself.
That civilization or stellar system which becomes a Satya loga is where   Sookshma/Gnana Bhanu will reside.. Otherwise he might appear periodically but will disappear soon.
As a stellar civilization, we are in an existential crisis.. For e.g. in a 100 years we have destroyed 85% forests and many species have become  extinct. The human species is a parasite over earth. But 99% of the world doesn't know..
It's difficult to summarise. 

What are the agamas prescribing ( saivaite brahmanas are following) in comparison to smartha brahmanas?

In color combinations (as per smartha tradition),
Sathyo jatam denoted as white, Vamadevam denoted as Blue / Black, Akoram denoted as saffron or kaavi  red ( in agamas the colour of Vamadeva and akora are interchanged, this denotes that it's a dichotomy ), Tatpurusham denoted as golden yellow, Esanam as white ( also Grey and Blue Black when linked with yogic chakra of Sahasraram or Sahasrara tala padmam ).

From Sri Rudra,
Om Namo Bagavathe Rudraya Vishnavae mrutyur mae pahi (Sri rudram)

If a saviour/bhanu is visible,
Vamadevam denoted as Blue / Black (Vishnu / Sasisekaran)
Akoram denoted as saffron or kaavi red (Lakshmi / Sakambari)

In the mundane plane or prescribed by agama,
Vamadevam denoted as saffron or kaavi red (Kali)
Akoram denoted as Blue / Black (Kala)

By agamas, vamadeva comes as a creational spirit and Akoram to remove our ignorance. Saiva Brahamanas attempt to bring Siva to this world as Lingodhbhava. They dont provide offering to pitrus without offering to siva. Siva is here or coming here.

But, smartha brahmanas (like me) see vamadeva as blue black (vishnu or sasisekaran) and Akoram as Red/Kaavi (lakshmi/sakambari). If the earth cant be saved, we need a backup plan. So, we attempt to pull all living souls and even dis-embodied souls towards shiva/vishnu (Read Rudra and treatises). We offer offering to pitrus without offering first to shiva. Our plan is to tie them to food (annamaya to anandamaya kosas) and tie everyone to abhijit/vega and then to galaxial center where shiva/vishnu dwells.

Vata vitapi samipe bhumi bhage nishannam
Sakala muni janaanam gnanadataramarath
Tribhuvana gurumeesam dakshinamurthy devam
Janana marana dhukkhaccheda daksham namami

Seated on the ground near a banyan tree
Where all the munis were near to you, the bestower of divine knowledge
O the guru of the three worlds, God Dakshinamurthy
I bow to you, the breaker of cycle of birth and death filled with misery.

Eshwaro gururatmethi murthi bhedha vibhagine
Vyomavad vyaptha dehaya Dakshinamurthaye namaha

The one whose form can be seen separately as a God (Eshwara), Guru, and Atma
O the one whose body pervades the entire universe, I bow to you, Lord Dakshinamurthy

Saivaite brahmins back us and we back them. Otherwise, all of us have to packup!!!

As we are working like yin and yang, diabolical forces which tie souls to shiva (dark plan) and shiva to souls (white plan), our lingas are different and purposes are different.

We are diabolical practices but result is One and the Same

சைவ ப்ராஹ்மணர்கள் சிவனை இவ்வுலகிற்கு இழுக்கிறார்கள், ஸ்மார்த்த ப்ராஹ்மணர்கள் உயிர்களை சிவ உலகிற்கு இழுக்கிறார்கள். அதனால் செயல் வேறு, லிங்கங்கள் வேறு, ஆதலால் ஸ்மார்த்த ப்ராஹ்மணர்கள் ஆகம லிங்கங்களை தொடுவதில்லை ?

சைவ ப்ராஹ்மணர் (பிறப்பாலும் , வாழ்க்கை  முறையாலும் ) தவிர மற்றோர் தொட்டால் சிவன் (அல்லது விஷ்ணு, வைஷ்ணவ பட்டர் ) வர மாட்டார் !!!





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