Thursday, July 1, 2021

Agnihotra - Science of using cosmic energy as an Armor (Kavacha)


Agnihotra is a fire ritual prescribed in Rg Vdea. It is followed from very strict ritualisms to universalized versions. The neo vedantins have created many universal options for Agnihotra considering the lifestyle changes of modern world.

 Very few, 1 in a million of the priestly clans follow this today. It's practically left out and atleast 2 generations have left the practice.

But the neo vedantins preserve the naturalist approach to Agnihotra in all versions. The reason why its a naturalist practice in approach is because its a science. Also, apart from the doer (kartha), the entire living system around him participates in it including wild animals and plants.

In Sri Rudra, its is said Agnihotra is my manas/mind  (linked to chandra as per purusha suktha and surya terrestrially) or that of the divine soul in me.

oM agnihotrAtmane hRudayAya namaH |
darshapUrNamAsAtmane shirase svAhA |
chAturmAsyAtmane shikAyai vaShaT|
nirUDhapashubandhAtmane kavachAya hum|
jyotiShThomAtmane netratrayAya vauShaT |
sarvakratvAtmane astrAya phaT||
bhUrbhuvasuvaromiti digbandhaH ||

The simplest of the version uses only 2 mantras or sutras in morning and evening. Both morning and  evening call/offering ends with Prajapathi ( Brahma or Bhanu as the leader of souls). In some versions, prajapathi is not called in evening.

In the morning call Soorya is called and offered an ahuthi/offering ( Annam/Rice in Agni or water as argya or if it's conceived as Sookshma Agni which permeades all space then as mantra meditations )
In the evening call Agni is called with an offering or alternates as above.


Sooryaya Swaha
Sooryaya Idam Na Mama
Prajapataye Swaha
Prajapataye Idam Na Mama

Agnaye Swaha
Agnaye Idam Na Mama

Prajapataye Swaha
Prajapataye Idam Na Mama

காலை வணக்கம்

சூரியனே போற்றி, சூரியனே இது உனதன்றி எனதில்லை..
பசுபதியே போற்றி, பசுபதியே இது உனதன்றி எனதில்லை..

மாலை வணக்கம்

சோதியே போற்றி, சோதியே இது உனதன்றி எனதில்லை..
பசுபதியே போற்றி, பசுபதியே இது உனதன்றி எனதில்லை..

The Sandhi times of morning or evening are happening because the earth is rotating. The timing changes based on where you live in a planet. But in a sandhi (deva/asura or morning/evening), the cosmic power changes in structure. This can be observed during all other cyclic change points too.  (month by pournami, ayana, year till earth axis changes in 25000/30672 years at which period seasons change).

The mantras above also point to the changes in cosmic power and control. But all along, the prajapathi is mentioned as the controller.

Every soul can give this offering to prevent the planet from cataclysm. All living beings, know and follow these changes in nature. One can observe wild and nomadic creatures in sunrise and sunrest in nature to perceive this. They also show changes in other sandhis including eclipse, ayana, druvapada sandhis  when the earth axis meets solar axis.

A Yojana in human terms is given as 8 mile (12.8 km) which is the mind barrier of humans ( sound barrier of human voice might be less, to be noted) (approximated). But the mind barrier of humans can be increased by scientific process.

1 manushya yojana - 1 mile / 1.6 km * 8 = 12.8 km

If a soul does Agnihotra ( Fire, Water or Meditations ), his mind can impact/save, create an armor/kavacha for 12.8 km around him/her. This has been proven by Agnihotra societies (also ratified by scientists / naturalists who research) worldwide on both humans, living beings and inanimate things like soil and water.

Also, 108/1008 amplifications are possible through meditations or mind focus if trained (primarily learning the science from a guru or blending yourself with nature during meditations). 

The structure of our planet is set to tune our manas/mind with sun/ sookshma bhanu and moon to create 108 times  amplifications. 

The same can be 1008 times by tuning to Sahasrara chakra or Dhruva Mandala in Esana or Sura Bhanu / Galactical center. 

Alternatively, many souls can co-locate to increase the impact like in a temple/ashram which augments the benefits.

Every soul with this understanding can add to the Armor/Armour of God (Super Human) by adding his manas / offering in deva/asura sandhi to perpetuate God's (Super Human) will on this planet.

Human body as temple for sacrificial offerings
(according to Pranagnihotra Upanishad)
fire ritual
Co-sacrificerDevotee's wifeIntellect as inner wife
Hymns and knowledgeOfficiating priestsSelf-study of Vedas
Initiating priestHotriMind
Chief priestRitvijPrana
SingerUdgatri (Chanter)Throat and mouth (speech)
AltarYajnaOne's body
OfferingGheeEyes and ears
SupplementsSecondary offeringsGunas (personality)
AssistantsBrahminsTanmantras (sensory feelings)
AttendantsPeopleNature and elements
Sacrifice recipientFireTeeth, tongue, stomach
SoundSacrificial postOm
OblationsAjyaCompassion, patience, non-violence, memory
RewardBenedictionsRenunciation, Moksha

You (Atman) abide within the beings, in the cavity of heart and everywhere,
You are the sacrifice, are Brahman, are Rudra, are Vishnu, are the exclamation Vasat,
Water, light, essence, the immortal,
Brahman, Bhur, Bhuvah, Svar, Om, Salutation!

— Pranagnihotra Upanishad 1.8

All the godheads, indeed, there are

enclosed in this body here!

— Pranagnihotra Upanishad 4.23

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