Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Durga - Science of cosmic energy creation - symbolism and spirituality for the masses


The destructive power of creation is intense and unquantifiable. The diabolical forces of nature sometimes place life on a planet in tandrum. The laws of nature of action and reaction are not visible every moment. The seemingly good and bad are indefensible if a neutralizing force is not visible which can plug in or off life force in a moment.

"Taam-Agni-Varnnaam Tapasaa Jvalantiim Vairocaniim Karma-Phalessu Jussttaam"

"To Her, Who is of the colour of Fire and blazing with Tapas; Who was born of that Fire, and Who is worshipped through Fruits of Actions"

To all those who worshipped/were worshipped in any form and manner time immemorial, if there is a mystic key to the sum of all their meditations or a portal to the eternal love of those souls, a life force can be brought into existence in a moment.

As the life forces of universe are time bound, durga binds evil in infinite time and the worshipper in herself. Thereby, instantly giving them the result for their actions...

She is the neutralizing force/switch of superhumans.

How is this possible?

The closest resemblance is in particle physics where a union of sub atomic particles (quarks) can create matter out of nowhere or unaccounted for. Please see earlier article on quarks and hindu cosmology.

This process is Hadronization in physics.

Top quark or surya does not hadronize. Instead it decays. 

But sea quarks (durga) can hadronize into baryonic or mesonic (high energy) particles under certain circumstances. They can create matter ( or energy at will from nowhere!!!!! ).

Sea quark. -  A gluon can split into a quark-antiquark pair that exists for a fleetingly short time (10-24 seconds or less) before reforming back into a gluon.

Sea quarks can be of any flavor. They very often are up or down quarks,(shiva or sakthi). 

But they can also be strange quarks (kumara). 

The charm quark (vishnu), when produced with a large momentum transverse to the direction of the initial collision, will produce a narrow spray of particles all moving in roughly the same direction. Such a particle spray is called a jet (maya). 

Bottom quark (ganapathy) jets are easier to find than charm (vishnu) quark jets. 


Ganapathyam - Supreme Controller - Yoga (theistic)  - bottom quark

Kaumaram - Supreme Change - Vaisesika (naturalist) - strange quark ( bottom too)

Sauram - Supreme Creation - Samkya (orthodox) - top quark 

Vaishnavam - Supreme Bliss - Poorva Mimamsa (realist) - charm quark (top too)

Saktham - Supreme Energy - Nyaya (theistic) - down quark

Saivam - Supreme Existence - Uttara Mimamsa (abstract) - up quark









"ruler of an alternate dimension or dark dimension"

"Dormammu kills the elderly Strange, and almost overwhelms his other foes, but is defeated when Krugarr summons the spirit of Strange, and they channel the combined power of everyone in the assembly to banish Dormammu to his home dimension"

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