Tuesday, June 29, 2021

6 darsanas and 6 proto/virtual religions

6 sub religions or proto religions of hinduism /  vedic theology are aligned to the 6 darsanas of hindu spirituality or philosophy. Even the atheistic religions were represented as paths as every religion might have a theory and practice. The theory becomes the scientific reasoning for the existence of the path and practices are theological or spiritual actions which aligns to the society.

6 Quarks from quantum theory of modern physics are similar to the theory above.

6 types - updownstrangecharmbottom, and top

Expectation is all new religious or spiritual paths will align/merge to these 6 virtual or theoritical religions eventually as these have scientific, logical, psychological and spiritual basis.

Likewise. all sub atomic particles merge into or made up of these 6 quarks.

Its a scientific theory...

Ganapathyam - Supreme Controller - Yoga (theistic)  - bottom quark

Kaumaram - Supreme Change - Vaisesika (naturalist) - strange quark ( bottom too)

Sauram - Supreme Creation - Samkya (orthodox) - top quark 

Vaishnavam - Supreme Bliss - Poorva Mimamsa (realist) - charm quark (top too)

Saktham - Supreme Energy - Nyaya (theistic) - down quark

Saivam - Supreme Existence - Uttara Mimamsa (abstract) - up quark

Comparing to quarks now..

up, charm,top - positive charge or matter forms (siva, vishnu, surya)

down, strange, bottom - negative charge or energy forms (sakthi, kumara, ganapathy)

Up and down quarks have the lowest masses of all quarks. The heavier quarks rapidly change into up and down quarks through a process of particle decay: the transformation from a higher mass state to a lower mass state. 

Because of this, up and down quarks are generally stable and the most common in the universe, whereas strange, charm, bottom, and top quarks can only be produced in high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays and in particle accelerators).

Up / Shiva and down/Shakthi can be seen easily through meditation and focus...

The Rishabharooda Sambomoorthi symbolises this...

From Soundarya Lahari,

Shivah Shaktya yukto yadi bhavati Shaktah prabhavitum
Na chedevam devo na khalu kushalah spanditumapi |
Atah tvam aradhyam Hari-Hara-Virinchadibhir api
Pranantum stotum vaa katham akrita-punyah prabhavati

Oh Maatha, Goddess of Universe, Shakti,
Joined with thyself, Lord Shiva is capable of creating the Universe.
Otherwise, the Lord is not be able even to stir.
You are worthy of being adored even by Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma.
Therefore, O Goddess! without acquiring great merits, how can a person be able to salute you?

Hari Om

6 Darsanas:





Poorva Mimamsa

Uttara Mimamsa



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