Friday, June 25, 2021

Veda Agama Dharma Vidya - A Book of Knowledge on Vedas, Religious guiding scriptures and Hindu Sanatana Dharma

A Book of Knowledge on Vedas, Religious guiding scriptures and Hindu Sanatana Dharma

1932, Sambasiva Sastrigal, Retired Chief Pundit of SriVaikuntam Sanskrit College

Blessed By His Holiness Sringeri Peetadhibadhi Chandrashekhara Bharathi Swamigal

For soft copy, click link below..

Veda Agama Dharma Vidya

Book 1

Part 1

1. In Lord’s praise

2. Soul needs – Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha

3. In God we trust

4. Lord’s Form and Qualities

5. Lord’s Divine Nature

6. Lord’s Action

7. Lord’s form in Universe/World

8. Purpose of Lord’s Worldly Forms

Part 2

1. Path of Liberation (Dharma / Our duty)

2. Worldly path and duty

3. General Duties

4. Importance of Dharma

5. Special Duty based on Roles in Life

6. Path or Duty of a Guru/Spiritual Guide

7. Path of a spiritual seeker

8. Path of a King or Politician

9. Path of Citizens

10. Path of Businessperson

11. Path of Farmer

12. Duty of a State

13. Duties regarding Human Behaviour 

Part 3

1. Duty regarding Intentions

2. Duty for Social Classes or Varna

3. Duty for Life Stages

4. Duty before and after Life

5. Duty for Ancestors

6. The utility of Worldly path

Book 2

Part 1

1. Lord as the cause of Universe

2. Universal Creation

3. Deluge

4. How to understand/feel the Lord?

5. Proof of the Lord

6. Karma or Action

7. Action and Birth

8. Relationship between Lord and the individual soul

9. Symbolism or Idol Worship

10. Practices of Idol Worship

11. Devotion

12.   Duty to prevent Evil in the Universe

Part 2

1. Religion

2. Hindu religion(s)

3. Atheism (Hindu/Indic)

4. Hindu Theism 

5. Religious teachers and differences in Religious Dogma

“Our Duty / Dharma”



Unknown said...

I want to read i

Unknown said...

I want to read. Best book for hindus.