Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Gana + pathy - Controller of natural forces/spirits

6 sub religions or proto religions of hinduism /  vedic theology are aligned to the 6 darsanas of hindu spirituality or philosophy. Even the atheistic religions were represented as paths as every religion might have a theory and practice. The theory becomes the scientific reasoning for the existence of the path and practices are theological or spiritual actions which aligns to the society.

6 Quarks from quantum theory of modern physics are similar to the theory above.

6 types - updownstrangecharmbottom, and top

Expectation is all new religious or spiritual paths will align/merge to these 6 virtual or theoritical religions eventually as these have scientific, logical, psychological and spiritual basis.

Likewise. all sub atomic particles merge into or made up of these 6 quarks.

Its a scientific theory...

Ganapathyam - Supreme Controller - Yoga (theistic)  - bottom quark

So, why do we worship a quark?

The same reason why ancient people worshipped their dead parents (invisible but are available to senses). Anything which is available to 5 senses are worshipped. 
More so, Ganapathy has to be worshipped first because Bottom quark is symbolised with 5 faces ( like shiva )

If we want a controller for Universe or Universal objects ( science accepts there are controls, today), we can symbolize that spirit or consciousness as Ganapathy.

One with 5 faces..

In the most prominent sect of Hinduism or vedic beliefs, namely Shaivism, pancayatana or panchayatana system is followed. Pancha murthis are taken for procession. Panchakshram is used as the the primary mantra (Na-ma-si-va-ya). 

This has cultural reciprocation in terms of panchayat system, panch bootha etc in other social and scientific spheres of Hindu system. 
Five mantras are used to glorify Shiva out of which 4th and 5th widely used and known. 4th is Shiva or Mahadeva Gayathri. 
5th is used by yogis and siddhas  for identifying terrestrial escape path or the luminous path of Devas or towards Devas.

Does such a path exists?

The 5th mantra "Esana sarva vidyanam eswara sarva bhootanaam, Brahmathipathir, Brahmano athipathir, Brahma Sivomae asthu Sadhasivom" 
Meaning, "From Esana ( north-east or magnetic pole or Star Vega in Lyra constellation ) direction came all vidya you see, the Lord of all bhootas or natural forces or beings is there, even the Head of Brahma and Brahmins is there, Brahma is Shiva in a celestial form, Sada Shiva He is, Om "
This is the proof and direction. 

In color combinations,
Sathyo jatam denoted as white, Vamadevam denoted as Blue / Black, Akoram denoted as saffron or kaavi  red ( in agamas the colour of Vamadeva and akora are interchanged, this denotes that it's a dichotomy ), Tatpurusham denoted as golden yellow, Esanam as white ( also Grey and Blue Black when linked with yogic chakra of Sahasraram or Sahasrara tala padmam ).

For contextual correlation  in Sri Rudra, see meaning of  verses to the 5 faces. Below are ending verses of each face..
Sathyo jatam - 1.1 - 2.1.7
Vama devam - 2.1.8 - 3.2.4
Akoram - 3.2.5 - 4.2.9
Tatpurusham - 5.1.1 - 6.1.10
Esana 6.2.1 - 11.11

Akoram - For Annamaya Kosa Souls
Tatpurusham - For Pranamaya Kosa Souls
Esanam - For Manomaya Kosa Souls
Vama devam - For Vignamaya Kosa Souls
Sathyo jatam - For Anandamaya Kosa Souls

Why chaturthi?

If pournami is shakthi and amavasya denotes shiva, fourth day from amavasya denotes the emergence of controller/control from kalpa aramba ( small big bang in every amavasya) on chaturthi. Compare this to the 4th arc of Big Bang of Universe or any other celestial object. 
It also denotes that Ganapathy (bottom quark) becomes the chatur muga brahma (4 faced brahma) or visible creator on 4th day.

when this earth was taken for control by devas from Vega constellation, our moon cycles were aligned for better control from Vega.  (Please read article on Vega)

we use astronomical calculations to align to vega and galaxial center for spirit force amplification (consciousness).

Why elephant faced?

Earlier Ganapathy was not elephant faced. You can see this representation still in some temples.
Elephant is the vegetarian species which personifies long life, memory, power etc
It also personifies Pranava with its facial views

Why Pranava?

Pranava is composite syllable. All 4 letters are bheejas or sound seeds.

Pranava is considered to be a composite syllable containg a+e+u+m. ( aeunu as they say in sastras, maheswara sootra specifically ).

Ullagaram is a tamil word refering to the Pranava (OM) of the Hindu Philosophy. Ull – Inside and Agaram – A (as in tamil). 

a -  creation
e - preservation (sublime sound of electrical energy, feminine preservational energy)
u - destruction of individuality (non dual) or unification (onnu, uni - 1)
m -  energy basis which converts all matter and spirits to their enery forms.

Anyone can pronounce Pranava and understand the scientific basis. But a Guru is advised/suggested to prevent yogic powers getting misused or destroying the form/spirit/swarupa inadvertently.

Why is he sitting in yogic poses ?
By yoga, anyone can touch Ganapathy, by feeling the 5 Electro magnetic/cosmic fields of Ida / Ida Kalai in your body whic are woven around chakras or endocrine / ductless glands.

Why he is having amirtha kalasa?

Anyone who touches Ganapathy can get Amirtha or the force of univeral consciousness in him/her.
It will transform you to a non-dualistic state of consciouness. But with a Guru, you will go towards North-east direction towards vega. Otherwise your spiritual/cosmic energy might be wasted. He is coming as the Guru who holds the amirtha for you.

Why only 4 hands (5 including the trunk or thumbikkai)?

He is the preservator like Vishnu in terrestrial world with 4 hands. Compare him to Vishnu's Galaxial center / celestial form as below. Instead of Gatha he has Amirtha. Instead of Padmam he has abhaya hastha / chin mudra. This personifies that this earth is better controlled by Vishnu, so he takes the form of Ganapathy and you can feel more secure.

Why a mouse?

Mouse represents our stoola sareera which is very tiny compared to our sookshma sareera or cosmic body.

Why Motaka or Kozhukattai?

You / the individual soul is a Motaka with inner bliss (amirtha), outer shield (white soul space) which if you offer to the universal spirits / controllers, you can become adityas (above moon or crossed the chandra/moon spaces ) like them and stop the daitya (controlled by tithi or moon arcs) form which you have today.

Why offer him simple but natural things (leaves, flowers, even poisonous flowers)?

As a controller he expects little from you. He expects you to be natural, ever loving, blissful and conscious of your cosmos. He wants you to observe the minute conscious nature of cosmos and its beings (chetana), even in in-animate (achetana) objects by sitting in nature, observing nature, getting onself merged into nature and becoming Him, Ganapathy for that place.

Why do we make him and break him?

Cosmos works in a cycle (aeum). In order to understand and merge with cosmos you have to make a controller of yourself and sometimes break the chain and merge into supreme reality. This individual soul is temporal in nature.
In nature alone, can it become permenant or universal. 
You too can merge into sublime universal consciousness like him

Why Sravana month?

Sravana pournima was Big Bang date as per vedic scriptures ( Pratamae masa, Pratamae bhakshae, Pratamae divasae, dvidiyae yamae, tritiyae muhurthae as we say in maha sankapla on that day)
The pournami symbolizes that the cosmic energy (shakthi) transformed into subrahmanya (6 quarks) that day and on amavasya the life force emerged from it. The fourth day after amavasya, the controller of the universe was established for that Big bang or nava pralaya or creation. 
Thats why we fix sravana sukla bhaksha chaturthi as our controller day or control day for our cosmos, galaxy, solar system, human body/individual soul.

Hari Om

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