Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Emperor Sri Ram

In northern india, the dravidian king madhu created an empire in ayodhya. In his lineage, kings Ikshvahu, Mandata, Sakara, Ruthuparna, Raghu, Dasratha rule from ayodhya. 

King Dasaratha's (70th order) son Rama was ordained by Sage Valmiki with his Ramayana mahakavya where he has also shown the astronomical / astrological significance of King Rama in critical junctures of his biographical sketch. With his annotations on the presence of zodiac, stars, comets and planets, astrologers have created the below horoscope of Rama.

From Vaivaswathan (3rd order) to Rama (71st order), there were 68 kings in surya clan in ayodhya. If approximate 100 years of reign per king, from vaivaswatha (13900 BCE), Rama's time comes around 7100 BCE.

For a calculation, if we take 2002 AD which was vishu year (60 year cycle), 1957 AD was he-vilambi year. 151 cycles (151*60)= 9060, this lands us that 7013 BCE was he-vilambi. 

Rama's birth - 21-04-7013 BCE - wednesday, he-vilambi, uttarayana, chirtai 11, punarvasu, sukla paksha navami, approximately 10:47 AM in the morning subject to sunrise differences. Kosala in UP, India

Rama takes to forest - 21-04-6988 BCE ( 25 years age)

Killed Karan and Dhooshanan - 14-9-6976 BCE

War between Rama and Ravana - 4-12-6976 BCE

Rama Pattabhishegham 6976 or 6975 BCE

Rama attained mukthi 6951 BCE ( 62 years age)

During the war with ravana, a comet named "Maha Ghora" was visible near star Moola as per Ramayana yudha kanda. This should be Halley's comet (75.5 year cycle with sun) and is visible in earth with naked eye.

Sita  was born in Vaikasi, sukla paksha navami, in Mithila, Bihar, India.

There are very detailed historical facts to prove the existence of Rama as the King, Emperor of India. Apart from the mythological stories glorifying the personality of King Rama, Ramayana by Valmiki shows him as a great human, divine order king who ruled people with grace.

Unparalleled in history is his abdication of throne as the emperor to avoid brotherly conflicts and reinstate dharmic way of life. His birthplace in Ayodhya will be revered as the holy land of Hindus and Indians forever.

The age of King Rama and the state of India before his reign and after can be covered in detail historically..

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