Friday, April 9, 2021

Nilam Tharu Thiruvir Pandiyan - Pandiyan Nediyon - Nedumchezhiyan

Pandiyan Nediyon alias Nedumchezhiyan alias Azhi Adi Alamba ninra Pandiyan alias Muneer Vizhavin Nediyon alias Nilam Tharu Thiruvir Pandiyan was a tamil king who ruled after the great deluge (30,100 B.C/B.C.E). He created an empire headed from Mount Meru (not Himalayas) and ruled from there.

Meru is hypothesized as the primary mountain ranges which existed in the middle of Kumari kandam (alias Lemuria). This sub-continent/continent existed post the Gondwana land of the pre-historic ages. Kumari kandam existed as a large terrain initially and after multiple deluges (some in historic periods) existed as multiple island terrains and some large continents like australia. It existed primarily to the southwest of modern day srilanka. Parts of this land is still seen in Indian Ocean in recent archaeological discoveries. From Mount Meru, rivers like Kanni, Kumari, Peraru were flowing eastward and merged into the ocean.

King Tharan ( a dictator and leader of Avuna tribes) took control of Nedumchezhiyan's territory. Tharuka was the son of Tharan. Nedumchezhiyan killed Thran in a battle and controlled Avunas (probably Mongolian Hoon tribes who were barbaric). He created the Pahruli river in peruvala region or state. He excavated multiple gold/precious metal mines in Meru and used the money for improving living standards of his kingdom. 

Pandiyan Nediyon created a city named Madurai in the name of his son Madhu who ruled Peruvala state. This is noted in Madurai Kanchi ( Tamil Sanga period literature) and 9th song of Purananuru collections available.

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