Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sage Ramanuja

 Nation Bharath has many religions and many gods. When superstition, caste clashes, religious clashes became abundant and people suffered as a result, Buddhism and Jainism were created and became popular. When specific sects of Buddhism and Jainism became powerful and were predominantly preaching atheism, there were many autocratic reigns which were formed. These anarchies gave way to blasphemy and societal collapse. The emergence of Adi Sankara and his advaitic sect was to establish the six major religions of the nation into theoretical sects with a common spiritual doctrine codified under Vedas but multiple operational religions based on practices and differences in theology. Adi sankara also accepted many important doctrines of Buddhism and Jainism, marginalized atheism and momentary theism (shunyavada), effectively gave a new breath to Vedic Religion or Hinduism. 

Later, in tamilnadu, four of the saivite sages (nalvar) revived siddhantha saivam and brought back many into saivism. Across the world, Islam and Christianity fought the spread of Atheism (in the guise of Buddhism and Jainism) to bring back the (mono or poly) theistic fabric of the world.

Around 1000 AD, many saivaite kings became dictators and many vaishnavaite saints took charge in spreading vishnu bhakthi to the masses. The key scholar and sage of these vaishnavaites was Sage Ramanuja.

In sriperumpudur of tamilnadu, Ramanuja was born in haritha gotra in the year 1107 AD (4th April, Bingala, Chitrai  month 13 day, sukla panjami, thursday, thiruvadirai star). He completed gurukulam under Shri Madhava Prakasar. Then he came to kanchipuram took Periya Nambi as guru ( not born as a brahmin by birth ) and became very focused on spreading vaishnavism and tamil. 

Ramanuja refuted Adi Shankara's Advaitic doctrines in multiple accounts and created a specialized Advaitic sect ( Vishishtadvaita - vishesha advaita ). There is one super soul which is Vishnu himself. 

Many rulers of North India supported vaishnavism in his times.

Kulothunga chozha of his time was a chalukya origin king though was the chozha ruler. His enemity against vaishnavism created problems for Sage Ramanuja.

Sage Ramanuja wrote Brahma sudra bashyam ( commentary by his doctrine), Sri Bhashyam, Vedanta Deepam, vedanta saram, vedanta sangraham, geeta bhashyam and much more.

His pioneer works in reviving the vaishnavaite sects of india and tamilnadu, bringing back hinduism to the front by surpassing caste based superstitions, converting many pious devotees who were not Brahmins by birth into Brahmins by varna and lifestyle, reminding once more we are all sons and daughters of one supreme soul, Sri Hari were exemplary.

Sage ramanuja who lived for 120 years, 9 months, 18 days preaching and practicising sri vaishnavam, left his mortal coil (which is still preserved in Srirangam temple) and attained Vishnupadham (with head on Pillan's lap and feet on Kidambi Achan and again showing he has no bias among souls) on Thai 29 th day of Bingala year, sukla dasami, thiruvadirai nakshtram, saturday (22.1.1138 AD).

Sage Ramanuja will remain a pioneer, torch holder, rising venus and a cornerstone in the temple of hindu thought for unifying the Bharatha Vamsa...

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