Friday, April 9, 2021

Muruga Vel - King Muruga - Kumara Pandiyan

Muruga Vel (King Muruga - 14,000 BCE ) was born in the clan of Parameswara Pandiyan was also referred as Kumara Pandiyan. The sect of hindu confederation which follows his principles and methods is called Kaumaram after him. Kai china vazhuthi or Ugra Pandiyan should have been his son or clan follower. In kumari kandam, in Pandiya kingdom city of kavatapuram Ugra Pandiyan ruled and took over the reign from Kumara Pandiyan and tamizh sangam from Sage  Agasthya ( Agasthya Guru Peeta Adhipathi )

In Silapathigaram, Kadu kaathai - 20-22, its mentioned that Vadivel or Murugavel has made a massive aerial attack on veeramahendrapuram (வடிவேல் எறிந்த வான்பகை பொறாது...) ruled by Soora Paduman ( Hoon king of the times ). The attack resulted in a deluge which Kumari kandam never saw and the entire region was later taken by ocean in many places. He was on Kanda Madana hills and destroyed the Meru mountains of the south as per written records.

King Muruga gave the empire to his son early and went for penance to absolve himself of the war and calamity it caused. His samadhi is most probably is the modern day hillock valley of Kukke Subrahmanya in the western ghats of India. 

There is mythology that out of ashta vasus, 6th vasu named Analan and Karthigai his spouse or shakthi gave birth to 6 devas - Agniputhran, Kumaran (Murugan), Sarasthamban, Sagan, Visagan, Naigameyan. These divine souls were unified as one supreme soul space called Subrahmanyan or Karthikeyan. In tamil, he is called as Murugan or the handsome one (one with a physique). Murugan penanced and got the Vel from Shakthi. He was supported by Nava Veeras ( 9 sons of Shakthi namely, Veervahu, VeeraMahendran, VeeraPurandaran, VeeraRakshasan, Veera marthandan, Veeranthagan, Veeradheeran, Veerathiveeran ), the forces of Musukunda Chozha, Ugra Pandiyan, Sage Agasthya (Rishi from Agasthya order) and the army congregated neat kanda madana parvata near Thiruchendur. It was a hillock at those times and has become a beach in modern times after durther deluges. The proof of mountaneous rocks can be seen inside the temple today. After the war, the place was named as Jayanthipuram after the victory and the Muruga was named Jayanthinatha. Its called Thiruseeralaivai or the new or purified ocean front after the deluges, when ocean took over the rocky mountain terrain.

Muruga won over Krouncha mountains, defeated taruka and singhamukha ( brothers of sura paduman). He crossed Mount Meru and killed Sura Paduman in Veeramahendrapuram. 

Meru was a mountain range in Kumari kandam with 49 peaks. After the deluges, Himalayas was called as Meru and Sumeru in India. 

Muruga's sangha or assembly consisted of Agasthya (of Vatapi), Pulasthya, Sanaka, Sanathkumara, Jayanthan - son of Indra, Deva guru Brahaspathi.

Muruga taught in a transcendental state, gnana marga of 4 vedas, soul space sciences, tamil grammar and literature in the transformed form. This is mentioned in tirupugazh verses by Arungairi as one who gave back the transformed Vedas is tamil which were mutilated earlier.

Pranava mantra was misunderstood owing to mutilation which he realigned as (A-E-U-M) as the four syllable word with the celestial / cosmic meaning of the four sound seeds (bheejams) of which the entire vedas were constructed from. This aligns to the bheejam of the current vedas ( Ha-ri-Om) which resonates with creation, preservation and unification of Pranava mantra.

The tamil vazhuthis ( king clans) had one mantra which was Om (Pranava) and Muruga taught them to liberate themselves. 

.As per mythology, Taruka is represented as the vahana or supporter of Lord Sastha and Simha became vahana or supporter of Lordess Durga or Kotravai. Sura Paduman transformed into a Mango tree which he split into Cock (in flag) and Peacock (vahana) which are represented as his supporters. Muruga was revered as Brahma Sastha by Tamils. Muruga showed his viswaroopa to deva guru Brahaspati in Tiruchendur.

In skanda puranam and mythlogy, its detailed that Indra anointed Muruga as deva senapathy for the victory against Sura paduman. Indra's daughter devayanai and hunter tribal leader Nambi's daughter valli were married to him as per mythology. This should be considered as Muruga's leadership over civilized and tribal clans of India after the victory. His sect and vedic expositions would be the primary saivaite scriptures after this. 

We can infer this history in the acceptance of Muruga / Vel worship in all 6 hindu sects as the saviour ( Tirupati, Kanchipuram and every other temple has this as evidence). This should be considered as the end of 6th manvantra (4,32,000 year cycle with 14 manvantras of each 30672 years). Seventh manvantra started in 14000 BCE as Muruga as the prime deity or saviour of the Indian clans.

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