Monday, August 30, 2021

Krishna's birth date - New opinions based on latest astronomical software (Data used by NASA)


5 August 3112 BCE (sunday) - 23-42 PM - Moon is in Rohini Nakshatram (Red one, Aldebaran or Brahmi). Its also ashtami as per moon phase angle and krishna paksha (28-29  July 3112 BCE is full moon)

When someone tries to arrive at the year of krishna's birth, 2 years are prominently discussed 3228 and 3112 BCE.
The reason 3112 is mostly accepted within researchers is as described below.

why 3112 and not 3228 is below..

Astronomical Researchers (Dr Achar and others) place the year of Krishna's birth at 3112 BCE. 

"The astrological references point to a situation so unique (such as three eclipses repeating after 36 years) that they have only occurred once in last 10,000 years!!"

"There are more than 140 astronomical references in the Mahabharat which have been used by Dr. Achar to feed reference points into the path-breaking Planetarium software (used by NASA to launch satellites for probe missions). Through the help of this software, he has placed the titanic clash between Pandavs and Kauravs in the year 3067 BCE" 

Below corresponds to 18-02-3102 BCE when kali started ( 5 grahas were in Avitam or Dhanishta or alpha Delphini)
From latest projections we see saturn, mercury and jupiter nearby. More analysis could give a better date (Venus and Mars and not near Dhanishta here) nearby 3102/3112 BCE.

References from manual calculations pointing to 3112 and 3102 BCE for krishna birth and kali start..

Śrī Kr̥ṣṇa avatāra, July 27, 3112 BCE; Rohiṇī nakṣatra (vr̥ṣabha rāśi), śravaṇa month, Sri Jayanti, Janmāṣṭami

by srini kalyanaraman

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