Monday, August 30, 2021

யாதவர் கோன், பூர்ணாவதார, யோகேஸ்வரன் கிருஷ்ணன்


யாதவர் கோன், பூர்ணாவதார, யோகேஸ்வரன் கிருஷ்ணன், இவ்வுலகின் உயிர்களெல்லாம் தன்னுயிராக்கி, தானே (பேரன்பே), சத்தியமும் வழியும் ஜீவனுமாக மாறினான். 

இவ்வுலகும் அதன் உயிர்களும் தன் மாய சிருஷ்டியின் அடிமை என பிரம்மனுக்கு உணர்த்தினான்.

கிருஷ்ணம் வந்தே ஜகத்குரும்..

I dont agree with many views from above article like below, in para 41,

"41) He never did any miracles. His life was not a successful one. There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life. At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges."

Alternatively, many of us believe,

Krishna did miracles which the World would see for 1000s of years. Its 5000 years now already. Hinduism is his first miracle. Who knows what were we before him.. He was the most successful king of all times. 5000 years hence, India is one. For his forethought and bringing/guiding a generation of kings and emperors as his disciples that India/Bharat is alive still and is a modern miracle. He was at peace throughout his life, besides all oppositions created by the demonic forces, all along. "Nirmuktham, Nithyamuktham.." as Narayana bhattadri writes..

Narayaneeyam on Krishna of Guruvayur...


kaaladesaavadibhyaamNirmuktham nithyamuktham nigamasathasahasrena

nirbhasyamaanamAspashtam drishtamaathre punaruru-purushaarthaatmakam

bhrahma- thathwamThathavathbhathi sakshath-gurupavanapure hantha

bhaghyam jananam


"Oh! blessed indeed is mankind, for in the temple of Guruvayur there

shines in all its effulgence, the Supreme Brahman itself, which is

the ultimate goal of all human endeavor; which shines through a

hundred scriptures and yet remains indistinct; which is ever free;

which is devoid of the limits of time and space; which is

incomparable; and which is the crystallised essence of Bliss and

Knowledge "

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