Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Emperor Sri Ram

In northern india, the dravidian king madhu created an empire in ayodhya. In his lineage, kings Ikshvahu, Mandata, Sakara, Ruthuparna, Raghu, Dasratha rule from ayodhya. 

King Dasaratha's (70th order) son Rama was ordained by Sage Valmiki with his Ramayana mahakavya where he has also shown the astronomical / astrological significance of King Rama in critical junctures of his biographical sketch. With his annotations on the presence of zodiac, stars, comets and planets, astrologers have created the below horoscope of Rama.

From Vaivaswathan (3rd order) to Rama (71st order), there were 68 kings in surya clan in ayodhya. If approximate 100 years of reign per king, from vaivaswatha (13900 BCE), Rama's time comes around 7100 BCE.

For a calculation, if we take 2002 AD which was vishu year (60 year cycle), 1957 AD was he-vilambi year. 151 cycles (151*60)= 9060, this lands us that 7013 BCE was he-vilambi. 

Rama's birth - 21-04-7013 BCE - wednesday, he-vilambi, uttarayana, chirtai 11, punarvasu, sukla paksha navami, approximately 10:47 AM in the morning subject to sunrise differences. Kosala in UP, India

Rama takes to forest - 21-04-6988 BCE ( 25 years age)

Killed Karan and Dhooshanan - 14-9-6976 BCE

War between Rama and Ravana - 4-12-6976 BCE

Rama Pattabhishegham 6976 or 6975 BCE

Rama attained mukthi 6951 BCE ( 62 years age)

During the war with ravana, a comet named "Maha Ghora" was visible near star Moola as per Ramayana yudha kanda. This should be Halley's comet (75.5 year cycle with sun) and is visible in earth with naked eye.

Sita  was born in Vaikasi, sukla paksha navami, in Mithila, Bihar, India.

There are very detailed historical facts to prove the existence of Rama as the King, Emperor of India. Apart from the mythological stories glorifying the personality of King Rama, Ramayana by Valmiki shows him as a great human, divine order king who ruled people with grace.

Unparalleled in history is his abdication of throne as the emperor to avoid brotherly conflicts and reinstate dharmic way of life. His birthplace in Ayodhya will be revered as the holy land of Hindus and Indians forever.

The age of King Rama and the state of India before his reign and after can be covered in detail historically..

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Sage Ramanuja

 Nation Bharath has many religions and many gods. When superstition, caste clashes, religious clashes became abundant and people suffered as a result, Buddhism and Jainism were created and became popular. When specific sects of Buddhism and Jainism became powerful and were predominantly preaching atheism, there were many autocratic reigns which were formed. These anarchies gave way to blasphemy and societal collapse. The emergence of Adi Sankara and his advaitic sect was to establish the six major religions of the nation into theoretical sects with a common spiritual doctrine codified under Vedas but multiple operational religions based on practices and differences in theology. Adi sankara also accepted many important doctrines of Buddhism and Jainism, marginalized atheism and momentary theism (shunyavada), effectively gave a new breath to Vedic Religion or Hinduism. 

Later, in tamilnadu, four of the saivite sages (nalvar) revived siddhantha saivam and brought back many into saivism. Across the world, Islam and Christianity fought the spread of Atheism (in the guise of Buddhism and Jainism) to bring back the (mono or poly) theistic fabric of the world.

Around 1000 AD, many saivaite kings became dictators and many vaishnavaite saints took charge in spreading vishnu bhakthi to the masses. The key scholar and sage of these vaishnavaites was Sage Ramanuja.

In sriperumpudur of tamilnadu, Ramanuja was born in haritha gotra in the year 1107 AD (4th April, Bingala, Chitrai  month 13 day, sukla panjami, thursday, thiruvadirai star). He completed gurukulam under Shri Madhava Prakasar. Then he came to kanchipuram took Periya Nambi as guru ( not born as a brahmin by birth ) and became very focused on spreading vaishnavism and tamil. 

Ramanuja refuted Adi Shankara's Advaitic doctrines in multiple accounts and created a specialized Advaitic sect ( Vishishtadvaita - vishesha advaita ). There is one super soul which is Vishnu himself. 

Many rulers of North India supported vaishnavism in his times.

Kulothunga chozha of his time was a chalukya origin king though was the chozha ruler. His enemity against vaishnavism created problems for Sage Ramanuja.

Sage Ramanuja wrote Brahma sudra bashyam ( commentary by his doctrine), Sri Bhashyam, Vedanta Deepam, vedanta saram, vedanta sangraham, geeta bhashyam and much more.

His pioneer works in reviving the vaishnavaite sects of india and tamilnadu, bringing back hinduism to the front by surpassing caste based superstitions, converting many pious devotees who were not Brahmins by birth into Brahmins by varna and lifestyle, reminding once more we are all sons and daughters of one supreme soul, Sri Hari were exemplary.

Sage ramanuja who lived for 120 years, 9 months, 18 days preaching and practicising sri vaishnavam, left his mortal coil (which is still preserved in Srirangam temple) and attained Vishnupadham (with head on Pillan's lap and feet on Kidambi Achan and again showing he has no bias among souls) on Thai 29 th day of Bingala year, sukla dasami, thiruvadirai nakshtram, saturday (22.1.1138 AD).

Sage Ramanuja will remain a pioneer, torch holder, rising venus and a cornerstone in the temple of hindu thought for unifying the Bharatha Vamsa...

Friday, April 9, 2021

Muruga Vel - King Muruga - Kumara Pandiyan

Muruga Vel (King Muruga - 14,000 BCE ) was born in the clan of Parameswara Pandiyan was also referred as Kumara Pandiyan. The sect of hindu confederation which follows his principles and methods is called Kaumaram after him. Kai china vazhuthi or Ugra Pandiyan should have been his son or clan follower. In kumari kandam, in Pandiya kingdom city of kavatapuram Ugra Pandiyan ruled and took over the reign from Kumara Pandiyan and tamizh sangam from Sage  Agasthya ( Agasthya Guru Peeta Adhipathi )

In Silapathigaram, Kadu kaathai - 20-22, its mentioned that Vadivel or Murugavel has made a massive aerial attack on veeramahendrapuram (வடிவேல் எறிந்த வான்பகை பொறாது...) ruled by Soora Paduman ( Hoon king of the times ). The attack resulted in a deluge which Kumari kandam never saw and the entire region was later taken by ocean in many places. He was on Kanda Madana hills and destroyed the Meru mountains of the south as per written records.

King Muruga gave the empire to his son early and went for penance to absolve himself of the war and calamity it caused. His samadhi is most probably is the modern day hillock valley of Kukke Subrahmanya in the western ghats of India. 

There is mythology that out of ashta vasus, 6th vasu named Analan and Karthigai his spouse or shakthi gave birth to 6 devas - Agniputhran, Kumaran (Murugan), Sarasthamban, Sagan, Visagan, Naigameyan. These divine souls were unified as one supreme soul space called Subrahmanyan or Karthikeyan. In tamil, he is called as Murugan or the handsome one (one with a physique). Murugan penanced and got the Vel from Shakthi. He was supported by Nava Veeras ( 9 sons of Shakthi namely, Veervahu, VeeraMahendran, VeeraPurandaran, VeeraRakshasan, Veera marthandan, Veeranthagan, Veeradheeran, Veerathiveeran ), the forces of Musukunda Chozha, Ugra Pandiyan, Sage Agasthya (Rishi from Agasthya order) and the army congregated neat kanda madana parvata near Thiruchendur. It was a hillock at those times and has become a beach in modern times after durther deluges. The proof of mountaneous rocks can be seen inside the temple today. After the war, the place was named as Jayanthipuram after the victory and the Muruga was named Jayanthinatha. Its called Thiruseeralaivai or the new or purified ocean front after the deluges, when ocean took over the rocky mountain terrain.

Muruga won over Krouncha mountains, defeated taruka and singhamukha ( brothers of sura paduman). He crossed Mount Meru and killed Sura Paduman in Veeramahendrapuram. 

Meru was a mountain range in Kumari kandam with 49 peaks. After the deluges, Himalayas was called as Meru and Sumeru in India. 

Muruga's sangha or assembly consisted of Agasthya (of Vatapi), Pulasthya, Sanaka, Sanathkumara, Jayanthan - son of Indra, Deva guru Brahaspathi.

Muruga taught in a transcendental state, gnana marga of 4 vedas, soul space sciences, tamil grammar and literature in the transformed form. This is mentioned in tirupugazh verses by Arungairi as one who gave back the transformed Vedas is tamil which were mutilated earlier.

Pranava mantra was misunderstood owing to mutilation which he realigned as (A-E-U-M) as the four syllable word with the celestial / cosmic meaning of the four sound seeds (bheejams) of which the entire vedas were constructed from. This aligns to the bheejam of the current vedas ( Ha-ri-Om) which resonates with creation, preservation and unification of Pranava mantra.

The tamil vazhuthis ( king clans) had one mantra which was Om (Pranava) and Muruga taught them to liberate themselves. 

.As per mythology, Taruka is represented as the vahana or supporter of Lord Sastha and Simha became vahana or supporter of Lordess Durga or Kotravai. Sura Paduman transformed into a Mango tree which he split into Cock (in flag) and Peacock (vahana) which are represented as his supporters. Muruga was revered as Brahma Sastha by Tamils. Muruga showed his viswaroopa to deva guru Brahaspati in Tiruchendur.

In skanda puranam and mythlogy, its detailed that Indra anointed Muruga as deva senapathy for the victory against Sura paduman. Indra's daughter devayanai and hunter tribal leader Nambi's daughter valli were married to him as per mythology. This should be considered as Muruga's leadership over civilized and tribal clans of India after the victory. His sect and vedic expositions would be the primary saivaite scriptures after this. 

We can infer this history in the acceptance of Muruga / Vel worship in all 6 hindu sects as the saviour ( Tirupati, Kanchipuram and every other temple has this as evidence). This should be considered as the end of 6th manvantra (4,32,000 year cycle with 14 manvantras of each 30672 years). Seventh manvantra started in 14000 BCE as Muruga as the prime deity or saviour of the Indian clans.

Sage Agasthya

In tamilnadu and all across India. we would encounter Sage Agasthya in many mythologies and history. These rishis should be belonging to the same agasthya order as most rishi clans in ancient india were disciple or hereditary clans. A rishi order or gothra is a school of thought of a person than the same person across varied times.

In history and mythology, there were many Sage Agasthiyars, namely, in kumari naadu, there was Muthur Agasthiyar, Agasthya who defeated Villavan and Vatapi, Agasthya who cretaed the tamil sangam in Pothigai Malai, Agasthyar who succeeded Muruga Vel ( King Muruga or Kumara Pandian) in Kumari kandam in rewriting tamil grammar, Agasthya who brought kaveri in his Kamandalam (Jug) from mythology, he who cursed Pandiyan King Indraduyman as an elephant, he who taught King Rama the poetic verse of Aditya Hrdayam and made him understand his soul power to kill Ravana, he who drank the sea as per mythology. All these personalities cannot be the same person who lived for thousands of years. They were rishis belonging to the same school of thought who were called with same guru peeta surname like its used now in India.

Musukundha Chozhan


Meru Pandiyan


OliChenKo - Illuminous (Light) Good (Red) King

Oli Senko or Oli Senkodan or Olichengo or Olichenko belonged to surya vamsa. He was a chola king born to a pandyan princess (Kumara Pandiyan or Muruga comes later in pandya dynasty in 14000 BC). In kumari kandam, peruvala state, he was ruling near the mountain range of manimalai. In 14500 BC there was a great deluge in his time in kumari kandam. People from kumari kandam moved to India in many areas after the deluge. This created restlessness in India and asia. He created an empire and sustained peace in south east asia, india and asian territories including Tibet & China. 

His conquest has been written on books "Senkon Tharai Chelavu" and "Tamizh Vidu Thoothu". Tamil kingdoms ruled the greater asia and the language spread to these areas. Tamil language also flourished with many literical assemblies formed in his time. The scholars mentioned in his assembly headed by Sakran are Nedunthuraiyan, Sengodan, Sendan, Agathiyan.

Olichengo (Jeyamanjayan or Jeyamajeyan) married Angamohini of Naga tribe. He also married sumathi who was the daughter of Adi Sesha of Nagas. He was titled Aridwaga after this by Nagas.

 Olichenko made Musukunda as the head of China and allied territories. His another son Bhakthi Cholan headed Bogavathi region.

In gangetic plains, on the river side of kalindi or yamuna, King viswakarma built a city named barhishmathi. He married his daughter barhishmathi to Viraja.

Viraja's sons were priyavradhan and uthanapadhan. He had daughters prahooti, ahooti, devahooti.

Prahooti married Dakshan (I) (Daksha prajapathi ) of Naga tribe. Ahoothi marrie uruchi and Devahoothi married Karuthaman (Karthama prajapathi who wash a chola order king) who ruled panchala region.

Dakshan was an emperor of North India who had 27 daughters (and their husbands) as below.

1) Kyathi  + Rishi Brugu

2) Kala + Rishi Marichi

3) Sambhoothi (Anusuya) + Rishi Athri

4) Sraddha + Rishi Angiras

5) Gadhi (Ksharai) + Rishi Pulaha

6) Kriyathi (may be Dakshayani) + Rishi King (Raja Rishi and then Brahma Rishi by order of works) Rudra/Shiva (Olichengo or Irayanar in tamil from Kumari kandam and also ruled Himalayan kingdoms or Dakshinamurthi )

7) Arundathi + Rishi Vasishta

8) Avirbhu + Rishi Pulasthya

9) Sannadhi + King Kridhumaal

10) Prabhai + Rishi Puganda

11) Moorthi, Trithi, Dushti, Pushti, Siddhi, Medha, Krigha, Lajja, Rithi, Keerthi, Maithu (Lakshmi Amsa/Avatar), Santhi, Nithkruthi + Mallalan ( Ganapathy  Amsa/Avatar)

24) Daughter 24 (to be identified and updated)

25) Swaha + Angitheera

26) Sudha+ Yama (Deva)

27) Menaga + King Himavan

Oli Senko was paralled by Daksha in North. After Oli Senko's rule ended (renounced, appointed succesors and became a Rishi which is the order), in pandya kingdom, Veerannan, Panchasenan, Tharughan ruled kumari kandam. 

Daksha also married their daughters Asikna, panchasena and Tharuka devi. This happened earlier chronologically to below story. 

Daksha and Tharuka devi had a daughter Dakshayani who was married to Rishi King Rudra (Olichenko, Siva, Irayanar in tamil) who ruled Himalayan kingdoms. Is Oli Senko, Rishi King Rudra (Shiva II, Parameswara pandyan being Shiva I) himself is a point of debate. But based on above histories they could be one...

Oli Senko renounced his kingship to avoid unnecessary conflict with his father in law Daksha and went to penance.

The iconography of Dakshinamurthi is in red in many places. See the correlation to Dakshinam (south), Lord of south, Lord facing south, Spouse of Dakshayani, One who won Dakshan or Dakshan's Lord

The complexion of Yoga Sri Dakshinamurthy is variously described either as fair or red or golden;  but his throat is dark in color (nila griva).
At Punjai near Semponaar koil, Naagai district, Most beautiful Dakshinamoorthy red in colour.

From Sri Rudra,

He is red in colour, 
He is more red in colour, 
He is golden, 
He gives rise to good things, 
He is the Rudhra, who is the sun, 
And so we bow before the thousands of Rudhras, 
Who are spread in all directions, 
And request them to cool themselves down. 

Asou yo avasarpathi  neela greevo vilohitha, 
Uthainam gopaa adrusannath drushan udhaharya, 
Uthainam viswaa bhoothani sa drushto mrudayathi na.     
He who has the blue neck, 
Is the one who rises as the copper colured sun. 
Even lowly cowherds see this Rudhra who comes as sun, 
Even the maids who carry water from rivers see him thus, 
And even all the animals of the world see him thus. 
Let this Rudra who is seen in the form of sun, 
Grant us all happiness. 

Namas thamraaya cha arunaaya cha  
Salutations to him who is of the copper colour of the dawn and to  
him who is of the colour of sun after sunrise. 

For contextual correlation  in Sri Rudra, see meaning of  verses to the 5 faces. Below are ending verses of each face..
Sathyo jatam - 1.1 - 2.1.7
Vama devam - 2.1.8 - 3.2.4
Akoram - 3.2.5 - 4.2.9
Tatpurusham - 5.1.1 - 6.1.10
Esana 6.2.1 - 11.11

Last 6 verses are summarised prayers..

Coming back to mythology or purana..

Daksha started a Yaga/Velvi (Vel + Vizha) to ascertain his power but willfully omitted (thereby insulted) Dakshayani and Rudra. This was done by him as he was jealous of Irayanar's (Siva) fame in Bharatha Varsha.

This yaga was headed by Brughu lineage rishi, Subha. Rishi Dhadeechi advised Daksha that insulting Rudra is not good. Dakshayani came from himalayan kingdom to yaga, quarelled with Daksha but eventually fell in yaga pire out of contempt to his father's actions. Veerabadra from Rudra's army came and defeated Daksha and killed him. Veerabadra ruined the yaga, swept away the kings who came to yaga and severed the head of Daksha as per Siva Purana.


கொங்குதேர் வாழ்க்கை அஞ்சிறைத் தும்பி

காமம் செப்பாது கண்டது மொழிமோ
பயிலியது கெழீஇய நட்பின் மயிலியற்
செறி எயிற்று அரிவைக் கூந்தலின்

நறியவும் உளவோ நீ அறியும் பூவே.

இறையனார் என்னும் புலவர் கடவுள்-சிவபெருமானே ஆவார், அவர், அரசன் அவையில் பரிசு பெறத்தருமி என்பவனுக்கு இப்பாடலைச் எழுதிக் கொடுத்தார் என்னும் கதையைத் திருவிளையாடற் புராணம் வடித்துள்ளது. புறப்பாடல் திரட்டு என்னும் நூலும் (15ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு) இந்தக் கதைக்குத் துணையாக அமைந்துள்ளது. 'திருவிளையாடல்' என்னும் திரைப்படத்தில் இந்தக் கதை சுவையேற்றப்பட்டுள்ளது.




Pandiyan Meru Varamban - Parameswara Pandiyan

In the clan of NilamtharuThiruvir Pandiyan came Parameswara Pandiyan or Meruvaramban (16700 BCE). In his times there was a recorded deluge in Indian Ocean. Many regions were entirely submerged. The Hoons who controlled some submerged territories left Kumari kandam region and came to modern day tamilnadu. They controlled Tamilnadu for sometime. Tharagan (II) had 3 sons - Tharakakshan, Kamalakshan and Vidyunmali. They had 3 Metal Fortifications ( Gold, Silver and Iron ) and vimanas for travel as per mythology. Parameswara Pandiyan was ruling only a portion of himalayan territory when many kings requested him to create a massive army against the 3 brothers. Parmeswara pandiyan killed the 3 brothers in a war and lit the 3 fortifications to ashes (Thripurandakan). This happened in Thiruvathigai near Kadalur. He then went to Kumari kandam, resided in Mahendra Malai of Ezhukundra Naadu. He ruled the entire Indian/Hindu land from Himalayas to Kumari Kandam. With him came Sage Agastya and 8000 Brahmins as clans and Agasthya created a sangam for tamil literature and sciences. Four Vedas originally in Tamil were taught with 9 Agamas, 6 Angas, 18 Rule books. Tamil grammar was written in the name of Mahesa sootram. Poetic verses on human life ( Ainthinai, Agaviyal and Kalaviyal) were also written and taught. In Veeramahendrapuram, a training school was created which taught books as pictorial, verbal and written notations.

Mountain Ranges:

1) Western Mountain Ranges

2) Meru or Mani malai

3) Mahendra Malai

4) Hema Koodam

5) Udaya Giri

6) Syamam or Karu Malai

7) Ambha Giri


1) Pahruli or Kabasthi

2) Kumari

3) Kanni

4) Ikshu Thenugai or Karumbaru 

5) Kanini

6) Venugai

7) Sukumari

Kingdoms or States:

1) Peruvala Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Thenga Naadu

2) Peruvala Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Gunakarai Naadu

3) Kumari Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Thenga Naadu

4) Kumari Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Kurumpanai Naadu

5) Oli Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Pinpalai Naadu

6) Oli Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Munpalai Naadu

7) Oli Kingdoms - Ezhu (7) Kundra Naadu

In Indian history, we referred to our (Bharatha) adjacent continents as 

1) Jambu ( nearest as we see Jambu trees in many southern tropical areas still)

2) Saka

3) Plaksha

4) Sanmali

5) Kusa

6) Krouncha

7) Pushkara 

And deluges created multiple rifts between us and our neighbouring regions.

Tamilian were in 3 clans primarily.

1) Sei-ra - Serar - Sons of Ra  - Agni Clans

2) So-la - Sozha or Sozhiya - Surya Clans 

3) Pandiyar - Sons of Pandu - Chandra or Light pink coloured or Bright or Light or Oli Clans

Major Pandiyan sub clans - Kumari serpan, Thennavan ( Vembu garlanded vazhuthi kings), Vaigai bed based Marans, Pothiya verpan Sadaiyan (pothigai based long haired), Panchavar Kon Meenavan (Five brothers Fishermen kings). Others - Kouriyan, Kaithavan, Chezhiyan, Madurai based Senan

Major Chozha sub clans - Neri verpan ( Vindhya based clans ), Arin Maalaiyan (Athi garlanded), Senniyan ( Long or handsome necked ), Killiyan, Valavan

Major Chera sub clans - Udiyan, Poraiyan, Ponthin Tharon ( Palm garlanded), Villavan ( Bowed), Kaari (Hill clan) Others - Kudavan, Kothai, Vanavaramban, Vanchi vendan, Athiyamaan ( Athi garlanded clan), Malaiyamaan, Porunaiyatron ( Clan of Porunai river )

Pothini or Pothigai mountains had the main tamizh school of Sage Agasthya.

Nilam Tharu Thiruvir Pandiyan - Pandiyan Nediyon - Nedumchezhiyan

Pandiyan Nediyon alias Nedumchezhiyan alias Azhi Adi Alamba ninra Pandiyan alias Muneer Vizhavin Nediyon alias Nilam Tharu Thiruvir Pandiyan was a tamil king who ruled after the great deluge (30,100 B.C/B.C.E). He created an empire headed from Mount Meru (not Himalayas) and ruled from there.

Meru is hypothesized as the primary mountain ranges which existed in the middle of Kumari kandam (alias Lemuria). This sub-continent/continent existed post the Gondwana land of the pre-historic ages. Kumari kandam existed as a large terrain initially and after multiple deluges (some in historic periods) existed as multiple island terrains and some large continents like australia. It existed primarily to the southwest of modern day srilanka. Parts of this land is still seen in Indian Ocean in recent archaeological discoveries. From Mount Meru, rivers like Kanni, Kumari, Peraru were flowing eastward and merged into the ocean.

King Tharan ( a dictator and leader of Avuna tribes) took control of Nedumchezhiyan's territory. Tharuka was the son of Tharan. Nedumchezhiyan killed Thran in a battle and controlled Avunas (probably Mongolian Hoon tribes who were barbaric). He created the Pahruli river in peruvala region or state. He excavated multiple gold/precious metal mines in Meru and used the money for improving living standards of his kingdom. 

Pandiyan Nediyon created a city named Madurai in the name of his son Madhu who ruled Peruvala state. This is noted in Madurai Kanchi ( Tamil Sanga period literature) and 9th song of Purananuru collections available.