Did Rahu and Kethu existed before and is now non existent terrestrially? Where were they earlier?
Does the Ksheersagara (Samudra manthan) - Origin of Amrita story/mythology details how Rahu and kethu evolved?
"Amrita swallowed by the devtas and one Asura called Svarbhānu, also known as Rahuketu, who was beheaded and sent into outer space as Rahu and Ketu"
Surabhanu (Sun of Devas) beheaded Svarbhānu..
Svarbhanu has come in modern literature as Dormammu with similar characteristics.
So, does Rahu and Ketu existed as a planet in solar system (between mars and jupiter) and now exists only as an asteroid belt after a cataclysmic event.
Due to their luminous nature, the Sun god Surya and the moon god Chandra noticed this disguise. They informed Mohini who before the nectar could pass the Asura's throat, cut off his head with her discus, the Sudarshana Chakra. From that day, his head was called Rahu and his body Ketu, which both later became planets. The story ends with the rejuvenated Devas defeating the Asuras and that's why the eclipse mode of the moon means Rahu swallows moon as his revenge. Although, Rahu only has a head and no body. "
We have to decipher here that due to the proportional ratios of Sun-Moon-Earth (108), the disintegration happened.
For this, lets discuss and earlier cataclysm(s) which created this combination.
Does that mean moon did not existed earlier as a satellite to earth or was not in the current position (108 proportions)
How and when did it happen?
"Tārā is the Hindu goddess of felicity and sanguineness. She is also the consort of Hindu god Brihaspati, the god of planet Jupiter. According to the Puranas, Tara sired or mothered a child named Budha, the god of Mercury through Chandra and had a son named Kacha through Brihaspati."
The closest celestial event could be this.
Tara was a satellite of Jupiter. The Earth's moon chandra did not exist that time!!
Our Moon was an exo planet in solar system or an asteroid revolving the sun or even a visiting asteroid from other star system or space.
Moon in one of its revolutions of the sun came near Tara. Moon's gravity pulled Tara from Jupiter as it had a weak gravity link with Jupiter ( or some gravitation changes happened in Jupiter gravity or cataclysmic activity due to Moon's arrival, Kacha, a satellite was created to Jupiter in the cataclysm)
Cataclysm - a large-scale and violent event in the natural world.
Moon with its satellite Tara came near Earth. Earth due its gravity pulled Moon to its gravity and Chandra (our moon) was forced to leave Tara from its gravity. Tara disintegrated in another cataclysm and Budha was born. Budha left Moon and Earth towards Sun and became an asteroid (Son of moon). Rest of Tara was disintegrated probably or became asteroids.
When Budha went near the Sun, Sun pulled it into the first planetary orbit with its gravity!!
This event probably created the 108 proportions between Sun-Earth-Moon (see below in appendix).
How this is related to Anuradha star? Was this planned and executed by the Tapa Loka or Anuradha constellation based superhumans?
"On Anuradha, with the athi deva Mitra, if we give an offering, it will grow and prosper for 108 years well guarded" says the Vedas or Homa preamble. This is as per HIS order. Vishnor Agyaya...
The impact of creation of Rahu and Ketu in solar system in current state is a devious attempt from Asuras or Evil spirits!!
Astrologically, Rahu and Ketu will behave as devas sometime and asuras other times. Headless and bodyless creatures rule the planet many times.
Its impact on human mind and its Convolutions is dramatic.
Convolution - a thing that is complex and difficult to follow / a coil or twist.
Some say the tilt in earth axis (23.4 degree) or in its current position happened during this time. Earth was positioned to Vega/Abhijit during this time in Esana/Northeast. This would compensate for Rahu-Ketu. The axis tilt created equinoxes and solstices ( equal day and night on specific days only and hence seasons as we observe). Also, the arcs where earth axis and solar system's axis meets is also called Rahu-Ketu (eclipse mythology).
Though we call this planet earth - Boo Logaa, it many times identifies itself as one of the hell or probably the best hell (Athala)!!
If we were Boo Logaa (1st super human or deva loga),
a) Sun spectrum for our eyes should be 8 in color and not 7
b) Chemical Periodic table should have 8th row elements visible, naturally. But only 7th row is half complete in natural eco system. Post 94, 7th row is synthesized in labs and nuclear explosions but dont occur naturally
The evil nature of people, money mindedness, convolutions of mind can be attributed to Rahu and Ketu with its vicious nature distracting people away from the Cosmic plan of Sura Bhanu (Vishnu/Siva/Shakthi - Superhuman Lord) in Vega/Abhijit & Galactic center of Milkyway.
The first 94 elements, hydrogen to plutonium, all occur naturally, though some are found only in trace amounts and a few were discovered in nature only after having first been synthesized.
Elements 95 to 118 have only been synthesized in laboratories, nuclear reactors, or nuclear explosions.
The synthesis of elements having higher atomic numbers is currently being pursued: these elements would begin an eighth row, and theoretical work has been done to suggest possible candidates for this extension. Numerous synthetic radioisotopes of naturally occurring elements have also been produced in laboratories.
The asteroid belt (sometimes referred to as the main asteroid belt) orbits between Mars and Jupiter. It consists of asteroids and minor planets forming a disk around the sun. It also serves as a sort of dividing line between the inner rocky planets and outer gas giants. Current theory suggests that the asteroid belt was once much more heavily populated, but the gravitational pull of Jupiter flung approximately 99 percent of its former material to other parts of the solar system or beyond. Astronomers also assumed that Jupiter's gravity prevented the material in the belt from coalescing into larger planets. In this new effort, the researchers propose a completely different explanation of the asteroid belt's origin—suggesting that the belt started out as an empty space and was subsequently filled by material flung from the inner and outer planets.
Creation, Transformation, Mutation in earth and Moon's relevance
I will theorize now. This is related to Subrahmanya Srushti. Go back to the story when Brahma did not how to create a living being (properly) and created them incorrect. Subrahmanya said this is not according to Pranava Roopa or theory. Change is not internalized in these living beings, He says, and takes over as Brahma. And then, everything became fine.
There was a time when solar system didn't have life or life proper or had it irregular. The celestial spirits or super humans considered this is mundane and thought that this will not help life to prosper and grow. They wanted to mutate us. Earth probably didn't have a moon that time!! or was in a wrong position.
The moon and all the above positions you saw above were fixed to create life or improve life. The super human who controls 108 worlds wanted this world to be in their order and effected His rule here and His wisdom here.
He is constantly watching us. He is mutating us. He has fixed things for us. Every religion says so. Every tradition says so.
"Chandrama Manaso Jathaha, Saksho Surya Ajayatha"
"Candramaa Manaso Jaatash-Cakssoh Suuryo Ajaayata"
"The Moon was born from His Mind and the Sun was born from His Eyes"
With His eyes the Sun(Bhanu or Superhuman controlling solar system), the Superhuman Lord created the moon and his mind or our mind.
"Moon and Mind/Manas is Birth..."
or Re-Birth!!
Taking the first sentence, Man is his Mind (Manas or emotional/logical occult). But Manas points to Chandra. When Manas merges with Chandra that is Rasi and nakshatra (zodiac).
In Indian zodiac (particularly southern), lunar tradition is important.
The person's Rasi or Nakshatra is identified by where moon was at his birth.
The Super Human(s) created a Mind/Manas for us to excel, grow, improve in wisdom, attain bliss by creating a moon linked to it which is linked to Sun and Zodiac in a mathematical proportion.
They wanted us to be remember that this proportion is what is making us excel, allows us to control our Mind/Manas, Buddhi and align ourselves to our occult senses.
Ashtothra Satha or 108 proportions as below
Diameter of Earth = 12,742 km
Diameter of Moon = 3,474 km
Diameter of Sun = 1.392 million km
Distance from Sun to Earth = 149.6 million km
Distance from Moon to Earth = 384,400 km
Diameter of Sun/Diameter of Earth = 109.245
Distance from Sun to Earth/Diameter of Sun= 107.47
Distance from Moon to Earth/Diameter of Moon= 110.65
Please remember even the values given above approximates. The early vedantists/scientists found that all these point to an approximation of 108.
Dormammu has been described as "something worse than a demon".[36] It is unknown exactly how ancient he is, as he inhabits a wholly alien realm, separate from the rest of the Marvel Universe, that defies the laws of physics as understood on Earth. He is known to have already existed at the creation of the current demonic netherworlds;[30] to have clashed with Agamotto hundreds of millions of years ago; to have served as the primary enemy of the Vishanti ever since; and to have been considered an extreme threat by the mages of "pre-cataclysm" Atlantis.