Sunday, October 10, 2021

Yagna Upaveeda, Brahma Knot, Yoga Chakras, Kundalini, Endocrine Glands, 3 Worlds, 7 Worlds, Electromagnetic Waves/Fields, Adityas, Gnana Bhanu


The life force (Kundalini) bound to the human body travels or attains the transformation level through the seven yoga chakras (Endocrine or ductless glands). The endocrine glands are activated by the pituitary and the body chakras by its own gland secretions and electromagnetic / cosmic - waves / fields.

Modern medicine knows only about 1 percent of endocrine glands.

The inner world of magical power, invisible to the naked eye, is here.

This is what we call the Subramanya creation.

The chakra waves that connect every human life with the universe and the seven worlds to get rid of 3 residuals of arrogance, greed and delusion.

As the brain is controlled by nerves, the endocrine glands create a control system by generating a snake-like tangled electromagnetic field (energy field) around itself. Spinal cord is not directly related to this. Idakalai - Five (Ganapathy/Ganesh) and Pingalai - Six (Subramanyan/Murugan) fields are simulated as Rudras. Everyone can know these by meditative feeling.

Sushumna field (Brahma Dhandam) can be known by the grace of the Guru. In the Bhaghavad Gita, Lord Krishna said to Arjuna (15:1), "The soul is said to be the eternal asvattam (pipal) tree with its roots up and its branches down. Its leaves are sound meters / sound bheejams / sound seeds. He who knows it is the one who knows the scriptures."

This refers to the asvatta thanda (for penance) given during Upanayana.

Sage Tathisi used his Brahma wand (sushmna, thanda, the backbone of the universe) to help Indra create a powerful weapon and destroy the demons, realizing that we can suppress the senses and destroy the demonic forces by the Brahma wand/thandam ...

Pranayama (breath or suppression control of life force) clarifies to us the bounds of our life / limits of prana factor of our life. It makes us deeply understand why we are bound to this world. You can feel the contraction of the senses in the kumbhagha (holding the breath) stage. In this state the bonds of the mind are untied by the Guru and the mind becomes a factor of salvation. The mind is the rope that binds man, and that is also the cause of salvation.

In this world, when life realizes these twelve soul forces/spaces, it becomes the instrument of the Dvadasa (12) Adityas who live for us in this solar system.

In this state the form/state, Brahmatvam/Saguna Brahma siddhi is attained. Soul visits/perceives Sukshma Banu (Brahma Knot) who lives in this solar system called Vrusha Banu.

This is what Gayatri and the 3 worlds (the three-threaded Yajna upaveeda, the three duties (forefathers, rishis, devas)), the three carnal sins (arrogance, greed and delusion) ) symbolize.
The seven worlds can be reached beyond the three worlds.

12 Adityas based on Divine Roles as per Satapatha Brahmana

  1. Yama
  2. Aryaman
  3. Indra
  4. Ravi
  5. Varuṇa
  6. Dhātṛ
  7. Bhaga
  8. Savitṛ
  9. Sūrya or Arka
  10. Aṃśa
  11. Mitra
  12. Dakṣa

12 Adityas based on gunas or features

Keshavan, Narayanan, Madhavan, Govindan, Vishnu, Madhusoodanan, Trivikraman, Vamanan, Sreedharan, Hrishikesan, Padmanabhan and Damodharan

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